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ThA DriNk

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yo what up?? I'm just creating this website for my poems so if you don't like poems or think this will make me gay then get the fuck out....but otherwise enjoy them please and give me suggestions if you wanna ~~my poems~~ [[[[[why am I here what is this for? I cannot explain it but welcome it with my open door. A second chance has been given but for a cause unknown walking motionless through an empty box I am lost, but yet I have a guide. How can I breath and still not bleed, an angel must be watching over me. When I call out a name no one answers but when I fall I can count on a catcher. What can you do with a second chance, but, embrace it in to the palm of your hand. Hold on to it, live it up, and enjoy your gift from this spherical light, and be thankful for this miracles fight.]]]]] [[[[[It use to be that when I saw you I couldn't breathe, like time would stop and wait for thee, my heart wouldn't dare beat because of a great tragedy that might occur started by a single thought of a movement. As I sit motionless and in awe looking at the most beautiful sunset ever witnessed getting lost in the blue sky of your eyes, I picture the perfect dance that is us for a single glance. Now that you have past there is no reason for feeling at all, just being able to hold you in that one instance of eternal stare, I am able to cope with a friendship that I will proudly wear]]]]] [[[[[Have you ever done something, but felt like you weren't getting anywhere- like no matter what you do or what you say you still end up in the same spot you were when you started the whole thing.-I guess it is safe to assume that no matter what happens in life I will know what I will be single and pissed off]]]]] [[[[[why bother to try to explain? It's just going to end the same ol way things are left unsaid and hate is bottled up feelings are mutual and your going to errupt you want to let go of the feelings you had but when you do it hurts and your left sad you want to talk about the way things went down, and appologize for the words you said to make them frown]]]]] [[[[[I'll wait forever, your smile could last me till never your touch is romantic your laugh is gigantic I think about it and then I turn to ceramic I'm fragile I laugh loud only to hide the pain I miss you, I yearn to kiss you, I wish I could hold you and miss the rain but now thats gone we are strong you move on and I'm holdin on why cry? only to die, only to hear him lie, only to feel myself untied it's ok your happy and I'm sad we live and I'm left mad it don't matter I'm gone, now both yall feel the words listed in my song.]]]]] [[[[[when it has all finished and things have moved on ask yourself was it worth it to loose a friend that was so dear that would wipe away your tear to be a shoulder to cry on when things weren't going your way, to fight your battles up until their dying day? life is too hard to go through alone tell your friend you love them and if they left it would hurt like a broken bone]]]]] [[[[[it feels as if my time might be getting smaller I look up and I feel the water pain inside me supposedly cause I'm getting taller nothing remains the same wish I could play it again, but I've never been good at games time is leaving me my mind is deceiving me I can't take it away, cause it's just too great, I need to open my spaces kick off my shoes and start at the laces don't worry about the past, remember what is in demand, and that without love, I'll only be a grain of sand. ]]]]] [[[[[through pain and agony, through confusion and lust for the right, I stand in front of him to point me in the right direction, to choose and help me follow the path that I must take, and through his help I shall do great things, and with a single step and him on my shoulder I will be .........]]]]] [[[[[when the rains come down and the sun is no more, darkness swarms over everything the rains touches, and even some that it does not. I look up and the moon hides behind the smoke and I truley am now afraid....was I a good man? did I make the right decisions? take from me what you can now, for tomarrow it is the end....]]]]] [[[[[cold, dark, and drunk to feeling, i stand in the cold dark rain. tears haunting my eyes as I gaze upon my own stupidity in front of my eyes. afraid of the outcome that should have came, I wonder why it never did. confused and dazed not by the apparent action that took place not too long from the present, but from the fact that I myself can now breathe, I can stand up and look around and feel, I can say thank you to all that need thanking, I now have a chance that I thought I never had, which is to be...]]]]] [[[[[pure adrenaline, dark, absorbing, pasionate, imprisoned, faithful, painful, heartfealt, can't live with it/can't live in it/can't live without you, breathtaking,powerful, dumb, ignorant, thoughtless, crazy, spotaneous, candle in a dark room/dark room surrounding a candle/hot breathe blowing out a burning candle, lustful, enraged/engaged, sinking in the bottom of my stomach needing to be released but it doesn't want to be released/I don't want it to be released/it must released, I can't take the enriched beauty of the sun that is it/I embrace it like a sun to a new morning/we watch it rise together, my love.]]]]] [[[[[empty, frozen on an isolated rock cold hard and grey static floating through the blood that pumps it yet you do not feel remorse, you do not feel pain, you do not feel hatred or sorrow only an empty gust of wind and we are right back to where we started it doesn't even matter anymore why it happened it only matters that it was said and can never be taken back the hurt and the suffering in my deepest darkest pit can only be described with one name, and in that name grief and happiness roll out like a strong ocean current pulling out innocent swimmers and exciting the minds of fearless surfers, I was not a surfer, but if I were then maybe you would have stayed. Endless emotion stops me cold and I ..... cry]]]]] [[[[[life ain't perfect, even I know that we can make it but you can't look back compare me to that makes it unfair but moving on we could be the perfect pair you know there is a difference between love and saying it but how can you feel the difference if you are afraid of it.]]]]] [[[[[last night I had a dream not a nightmare but one of those dreams that make you think sadly it was not an intellectual kind of thinks, instead I got scared. I was not scared for a bad outcome, it could very well have been a good one, instead I was scared of how I felt. I woke up experiencing feelings I've never felt before. Because I can not pinpoint the emotion I have to say it was a mixture of many but mostly scared. After contemplating on what I learned from the dream and focusing on what I saw rather than on what I felt, I learned though I care alot about you and would do anything for you I couldn't keep you. this did not come as a shock to me because deep down I knew it all along though I did not want to face the fact that I could not have you to hold me I reluctantly accepted my fate and made a wish. refusing to tell the wish because I want it to come true I will say this: if this dream is how things will work out then let it be so, for I do not fear lonliness, I only fear your unhappiness, which is something you must fight yourself and find what you need I wish you the best]]]]] [[[[[your poem]]]]]Dance angel fight away the rain smile back the sunshine kiss away the pain take my hand, open my eyes, walk me to my heaven where it will be you and I.]]]]]
