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Ice Cream Men (and there trucks) must pay!

Let me tell you of this site... Me and my fellow chums were talking about how much we hate ice cream trucks. My friend Chad and I then pondered if there was anyone else out there on the web that shared this hate. This site is for Ice-cream truck haters. We will make a message board and you all can talk and share ideas about pulling pranks on the devil trucks. Oh, its not that we hate Ice Cream. We love ice-cream. Ice-cream never did anything to us. Thats one reason why we pull pranks... to save the poor ice cream from the evil truck! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, you may me wondering why our domain name is, "Ilikesex". Well, Chad and I are greedy little bastards and wanted more hits. If you all were looking for porn, go look for your smack somewhere else. That, or get a boy/girlfriend. (there is a special place where you can tell us we suck at the message board!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Message Board ~~> Message Board

Why do we hate IceCream trucks?