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Make: Ubrikkian Fighter
Manufactor: U.S.S.E.
Hyperdrive: 0.7
Shields: Shields? one of a kind. It has two shield bubbles. The first one runs on a shield generator. The outer is
depletion type shields that fade from being fired on but regenerate.
Armerment: 8 saboath laser cannons. Sabaoth cluster missiles. Imperial Cloaking Device. Heavy repeating Cannon
with limited amount of fire. (Cannon mounted on top of ship, not seen in picture below) Turret gunner(Gunner has 2 saboath laser cannons and the cannon)
Other Information: This special advanced Ubrikkian fighter is nothing like its earlier predecesors: The Sabaoth Fighter and
The Sabaoth Defender. This ship is also refered to as the Sabaoth Phantom. The original desighn for this ship was the IG-2000 transport ship. It was scaled down in size to be a 2-man fighter with two astromech droid sockets.
Ubrikkian Advanced Saboath Fighter.