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1985 James Garrin
Hydroplaning =
"Kill a little boy Time" :P

Alright, the real story. (As told by my friend Brandon, who was following me in his TalonTSiAWD) I was travelling down Double Bridge road at about 50mph, it was raining. We came upon the Hunters Run curve, brandon saw my brake lights as we entered the turn. As my brake lights cut off, he saw me start to skid around the corner, untill we got through it, then I overcorrected going left, then right, then a smidgen to the left. When I went a little bit to the left, a RAM3500 was coming around the second curve. The RAM3500 takes up the entire road, so there wasn't much chance for ol' me who has lost control of his car.

The truck ran on top of my vehicle, don't know how the cars reacted, but in the end, the truck was on top of my car, the truck was cut in half, the front wheel of the truck was 2 inches from my face, the dash was crushing my legs, and the radiator fluid was burning my arms.

Brandon rushed to my house to tell my dad I had gotten into a wreck, and they both came out to my accident site. My dad kept me concious by talking to me, and I was simply saying "I'll be alright, I feel fine." According to him. My dad knew everything wasn't fine though, he called the parametics and they came out to try and get me out of the car. The truck had to be taken off of my car, the jaws of life moved the dash up, they tore the roof of my car off, and the driver side door. They removed me without causing any more damage than they needed to. It took them an hour and a half to do so.

I was air lifted to Atlanta Medical, where I would spend the next 2 weeks. They kept me up on morphine to deal with the pains. My injuries included a crushed skull (3 surgeries to fix, they used portions of my skull to fix my face.), 3rd degree burns on my arms, my legs were both broken (using metal rods in my legs right now), I lost vision in one eye, I have ptosis right now (not really, but like it.), I have to wear glasses untill my eyes get better, I had a broken heel, and very slight brain damage.
After the surgeries at Atlanta Medical, I was transfered to Scottish Rites, where I spent the next month and a half. I was on a walker to get around, and I had to go through many therapies. However, the only one I needed was physical therapy, as I could not bend my right knee more than 80 degrees.

I am considered to be at fault for the accident, as I was the one that lost control of the vehicle. I do not understand how I lost control, nor do I think I'll ever really find out. I would love to know why, and how fast I was going. Brandon said we weren't even going 40mph when we got to the curve.

The Car

Pictures of me :(
WARNING: Disgusting pics :P