~!WARNING!~ I you aren't gay you should still read this. Its really sad. This story is about a male/male relationship. Yes, another gay story. I'll say this again, If you are under the age of 15, PLEASE LEAVE NOW. But if you are 15 or over, I will asume you can haddle reading this. But otherwise, don't say I didn't warn you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Creatures Of The Underworld
By: Orlando J. Rosa
This is a tale he wanted me to tell. My name is Christian Barlow, and this is a story of my first true love.
It was 15 years ago. I was 17, I was being trained by my dad to become a warrior. That would never happen. My dad was a great swordsmen. I was still in training, but I was really good. Then I heard about the boy from my friends, they said he was a Gypsy boy. But that was only a rumor. He was an orphan, he was about 15 and was a really cute boy. Everyone picked on him, and looked down on him like trash. The only place that he could go was the church for sanctuary. People in Glaviana didn’t like Gypsies and homosexuals. Well the judge didn’t like Gypsies. He was a very religious man, but mean. He would kill poor Gypsies that would come to make money for a living.
I felt so sorry for the little boy. When I finished my training I saw him. The boy was being chased by 3 big guys. I ran after them and soon see, that the boy was taking care of them himself. He dodged every fist that was thrown. The boys ran in fear. I slowly walked towards him. “I’m sorry for what they did to you.” I said as he turned to face me with a weird look in his eye. “ You don’t have to be sorry, no one is.” He said walking away. “ I like the way you handled them, very classy. You didn’t even hurt them at all.” I said getting his attention. “ Do you really want to talk to a creature of the underworld?” He said looking back at me. “Does it matter who you are?” I replied.
“What is your name?“ I asked him. “My name is David Garner.” From that day on he became friends. He was a really smart boy. I took him to my secret places, and we would talk about everything. No one messed with him cause he was with me, and also he had really scared those other boys away. They called him a demon. No one told me to stop talking to him though. He told me that his mom had died when he was born. I felt so sorry for him. He was really lonely. The only person he had that he could talk to, was the priest from the church in the center of Glaviana.
One day, we were at my secret place, we were talking as usual. “ I want to be a writer when I grow up, but my father is training me to be a warrior.” I told him. “You should follow your dream. I want you to be a writer, and I want you to write a story……. About us.” He said moving closer to me. I looked into his eyes. He looked into mines. Then we brought our lips together. I was shocked but I liked it. We kissed for about 5 minutes straight, without stopping for air. We took our shirts and pants off. We explored each others bodies. He was a beautiful creature of a boy. I looked at him in awe, as he smiled at me. The sun seemed to brighten him. The sight was absolutely beautiful. “Kiss me please.” He said as he began to kiss again. I laid on top of him while we kissed. He wrapped his arms around me. We wanted to stay like this forever. I looked at him again. I was poking his asshole slowly. He closed his eyes and moaned and I slowly pushed it in. “ Have me…” He whispered in my ear. He opened up to me completely. He bit his lip, for I was hurting him a little. He moaned and put his arms around me again. He cried slowly. I kissed his chest and his neck as he moaned and moved to the motion of my hips. I loved him. He loved me too. I was a Creature of the Underworld, just like him. We fell asleep. I laid on top of him. We were exhausted.
“I love you Christian.” he told me. “I love you too.” I answered. Everyday after that, I saw he was being a little different. We would have sex mostly everyday. No one really noticed. But then one day, I was walking to meet him back at my secret place. I saw him. David was coughing, he had a napkin in his hand that was filled with blood. He coughed and coughed. I looked at him scared out of my mind. Then he saw me. He throw the napkin away and acted like nothing happened. “What happened?” I said still a little freaked out. “Oh nothing, I’m just a little sick, that’s all. The nurse in the infirmary said I would be fine in a few days.” He said. I sat next to him. “Are you sure baby, I don’t want to lose you.” “I’m fine, I promise.” He said smiling. “Ok.” I said kissing his forehead. He felt a little hot too.
David was walking towards the church when the Judge came. “You little bastard.” He screamed, David was shocked at what the religious man told him. He signaled his men to grab David and take him to the Court of Justice. I was at home training when I heard. They were going to give him a sentence. Someone saw us together, well not me. They saw his face clearly. Thank the lord they didn’t see me. I ran to the court house, but I couldn’t get in. “You are a Gypsy and Homosexual! That two sins you have committed!! I will sentence you to DEATH! God have mercy on your damned soul!!” The Judge screamed. I began to cry and I fell to my knees. Why god, why this. I must stop them from killing my one true love. I must fight for him. They opened the doors and I saw David. He had fear in his eyes and he kicked and screamed as they took him to the dungeon. I ran as fast as I could but the priest stopped me. “There is nothing we can do son. He will be with god soon.” The priest said holding his hand up. “NO! THEY CAN’T!” I screamed. I started to cry. There was indeed nothing I could do. They were to hang him that night.
“I must stop them. I must!” I said to myself. The sun went down. David was in a dungeon, in chains, like a poor animal. I looked through the bars from outside. “David, listen, I’m going to help you.” I whispered. “No Christian, you will expose yourself. I am a Creature of the Underworld. I must die. I love you.” He said lowering is head in shame. “No you can’t!” I screamed. “Sssshh they will here you, they are coming for me, save yourself. Its my time. I was a fool to believe I could love a man..... it all ends today.” He said as the guards opened the dungeon and grabbed him. “ NOOO!!” I screamed in panic.
The Judge came to him. “Your going to die just like your mother, with the same rope.” He said as David gasped. “You killed her, and you are going to kill me!” David screamed. “Well here is the real truth, your going to die anyways.” The Judge said. “ You have a really bad decease, the nurse told us.” David looked shocked, and a tear fell from his eye. I went home and grabbed a sword. I slashed at everyone that tried to stop me from getting to him. Then I saw him. They throw rocks at him while he walked down the path, and up the stairs to the hanging rope. “NOOO!” I screamed killing every guard that attacked me.
“Its time for us to kill this demon of a child, sent from hell. He was sent to spread the decease of homosexuality. Now we will punished the damned!” The Judge screamed to the roaring crowd of towns people. David stood there ready to receive his undeserved punishment. I screamed killing everyone in my way to him. David saw someone at the end of the crowd and smiled. There standing was a beautiful woman, with dark raven hair, “Mom?” He said. Then it happened. They dropped the trapped door below David, sending him dangling by the hope around his neck. He choked and gagged and kicked his legs as the crowd stopped and stood silent. The eyes of the towns people, they started to scream in fear at what was being shown before them. Two men came dressed in black and slit his wrist so he could bleed to death. Blood gushed from his wrists and sprayed everywhere. David’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as blood came out of his mouth. He was still alive. “NOOOO!!” I screamed crying my eyes out. I ran down the path the crowd made as the saw me. I ran up to David and cut the rope as he dropped to the floor. I picked him up and screamed at what I saw. His face was pale, his lips were blue with blood on it. Blood had ran down his nose. It began to rain. I cried and cried. His neck was purple. There was blood everywhere. "Why god! WHY!?" I screamed, the crowd slowly began to weep. "OH GOD, OH GOD. DAVID!!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs, then I rested me head on his chest. There were slashes on his chest, they had tortured him in the dungeon.
I picked him up from the ground. The rain was pouring on us. Blood ran to the floor as I walked with his dead body. I kissed his blue lips, and screamed. No one said a word. His arms daggled lifelessly. I walked away from there. I took him to the secret place, the stream. I walked from the towns square to the stream in the rain. I slowly walked into the cold water. I kissed him again. I couldn’t believe this. I waited for him to wake up, but it never came. “Wake up..wake up…. WAKE UP!! DAVID!!” I screamed at I hugged his pale, cold body. I slowly let go of him. I let him flout in the water. He slowly began to sink to the bottom. He was gone. He was gone….. Forever. I will never see him, I will never see his cute face smile at me again. I walk to the tree where we made love for the first time. I was crying furiously. I took the sword and put a cross the tree. I dug a hole under the tree, with my bare hands. I went and swam and retrieved his dead body. I slowly laid his beaten in the earthy bed I created for him. I cried again. And I sealed him away, by putting the earth back where it belonged. I cried as I wrote of the tree with my sword. “TO MY ONE TRUE LOVE, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. I WILL WAIT FOR YOU, TILL THE END OF TIME.”
I sat on his grave as I saw the sun, I remembered how beautiful of a creature he was. A Creature of the Underworld.