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Hedges & Highways Ministries, Inc.

||| Meet The Pastors ||| More About Larry ||| More About Susan ||| About The Church |||

||| Evangelists ||| Venezuela Calling ||| Prayer Requests ||| Relaxation |||


Pastor: Larry E. Hatfield

Assit. Pastor: Susan Hatfield

  Pastors Larry & Susan Hatfield have a prophetic, evangelistic calling with a powerful healing and deliverance anointing. Their ministry has reached the United States as well as Africa, Puerto Rico, Colombia, the West Indies and Venezuela for the past twenty years. The Lord has taken them into the "hedges & highways" on the banks of Lake Huron, tent revivals, coal mining towns, as well as English and Spanish churches.

  The Hatfields have been married thirty four years and have three daughters and two grandchildren. It was through the many trials that God has brought their family through that involved them in Marriage Retreats and Seminars for over twenty years.

  As messangers to the church , they have a strong desire to see God restore, reconcile and resurrect His power through the body of believers. Pastors Larry and Susan believe that this is the time for the body of the believers to be accelerated into the end time calling.