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Primrose Road


The Story: If you go down Primrose Road at a speed less than 20 mph your tires of your car will get slashed.  If you go over the speed of 30 mph the car will just die.  Either way if either things happen you will have to walk.  They say if you have a cell phone there will be no signal.  While you are walking down Primrose you will hear strange ghostly noises and see things.  They say ghosts appear and talk to you, telling you to turn around and go back to the car back to the car because there is danger.  They also say that the old farmhouse will appear and if you walk up to it an old lady will answer the door in a white night gown.  She is claimed to be the lady of luck.  They say if she invites you in that your luck will become better, but if she rejects you, when you go back to your car it won't be there.

Blood Rock Story: They cleared out a section of the woods and built a housing development there.  At the entrance there is a pond on the left, there is a huge rock in the middle of the pond.  The rock is called "blood rock".  This huge rock mysteriously has been moved to different places.

Old Cleveland Road Story: Is haunted by 3 or 4 things, one is a phantom farmhouse that appears. The house doesn't appear long enough to get close enough to investigate. You can also see the eyes in the woods occasionally, but infrequently. More than likely, you will hear the clomping of a horse or horses, and occasionally glimpse one moving from one side of the woods to the other behind your car. It is also rumored that occult rituals were performed on the lake on the west side of the road, and a woman was sacrificed and deposited into the recesses of the lake. Witnesses claim to have seen her on the night that she was murdered going through the ritual again. There is an immense sense of sadness near the lake that is almost overpowering.

Location: Primrose Road in South Bend, Indiana.

Directions: Take the toll road (80/90) east to exit number 72.  Merge on to US-31 North.  Take the Brick Rd/Cleveland Rd exit.  Turn right on Brick Rd/Cleveland Rd.  Brick Road will then go until a three way stop and you will be at Primrose Rd.

After reading the story about this road we decided that we had to go check it out.  So we did on June 16, 2003.  There are so many thing going on with this road we didn't know which one to do first.  So we decided to look for "blood rock".  Well we couldn't find blood rock.  We saw 3 or 4 subdivisions along the road, but no water with a rock.  Maybe the pond moves too? So after that we decided we had to go over 30 mph to see if the car was going to die.  Well the car still ran and is still running fine and our tires didn't get slashed either when we went under 20 mph.  Well we thought hey that alright, we still have the phantom farmhouse by Old Cleveland Road.  Well we none of that stuff happened either.  The only thing that makes this road cool is the trees that line the road making it pitch black.  We did have much better luck at the cemetery that is down the road from Primrose Road if you want to check that out.


Here a picture of us going over 30 mph and the car still runs.

This a picture of the street sign.  That's about the only thing we saw on Primrose Road.


If you have any comments about the Adams Street Cemetery let us know in The Forum.