Being Scott Mohr

Yo what's up? Well let me be the first to welcome you to yet another year of college forced to fit on a webpage. My name is Scott and I'm at Drexel in Philly. Pretty much I just do me and that's surf, play video games, skateboard, dream of Skeptic, do anything for a laugh, lift, run, and give everything up to the Lord. Hopefully I can keep up with my journal and get a chance to get some pics up here to help you share the experiences I have. Well I don't want to bore you so that's it.... If you want to contact me my email is or call our room, (215)571-3515 SEE YA!

Go Ahead and Look Around

Random Nonsense
Pearce's (P-NUT) Website
FDR Skatepark (Where you can find me and Dime when we have free time)
Media and Mohr
It's a new day...