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     Finally I have been able to get this Web site up. this is my first site so please bear with me, for I am still learning. As I gather the know-how and the resources I will be making probaly many additions to this site.Here will be were I will post info on the most recent updates to the site. Below you will find sections containing an Introduction to the site and Basic info about me. In the future I hope to add more. Like a site menu for exampe. Till then please enjoy. If you have any suggestions email me at Please use the subject line "Web Site". Trying to add simple games, have some problems to iron out.


     Hi, my real name is Dane Jones. Gwar Danar is an alter ego I like to use. He has served me well over the years. So I think I will be using him for many years to come. Below is some Basic Info about me. If it does not answer your questions feel free to ask. Otherwise feel free to drop me a line. I am always willing to chat. Till then enjoy the page.

Basic Info About Me

Full Name          Dane R. Jones, Jr.
Name Facts
     My Initials make "Dr. J Jr."
     Dane means Man from the north or Norway
     Robert means ever shining, ever bright
Sex     Male
Age     29 Years
Martial Satus     Happily Married for Five Years
     Playing games on Xbox
     Surfing the net
     Learning New Things
     Chatting with Freinds
     WarHammer 40k
     My Small Buisness
     Exspanding my Html expertise
Here is some Photos that have meaning to me

This is a photo from my wedding. Sorry about the quality. It is from a photo I carry around in my wallet.

Here is some simple games I think You will like.