These are a few of my favorite links....
Note-some of these links may not be work safe.  I'll note which ones.
Don't come crying to me if you click on them anyways and are offended!  I am NOT a babysitter!

Guinastasia's Live Journal
This links page wouldn't be complete without a shameless plug for my own Live Journal.  (Note-VERY graphic language.  Not for the easily offended)

School of the Americas Watch
Find out where your tax dollars went during the Cold War, and how the US continues to fund terrorism to this very day.

The Straight Dope
Fighting ignorance since 1973!  Home of the Master, Cecil Adams!|Your Daily Dose of Star Wars
C'mon-did you REALLY think a devoted Star Wars junky such as moi would ignore this?

The Wedge Antilles Admiration Society
Luke WHO?  A group dedicated to all our favorite fighter squadrons, the Rogues and the Wraiths, and their fearless leader, General Wedge Antilles. (Note-some adult material)

The Onion
America's finest news source.  How the news SHOULD be!

Wookiee Hut
Yes, MORE Star Wars.  D'uh.  Another great site for fan fiction, art, and even recipes and restaurant reviews!
(Note-some adult material)
Most fan fiction sites too tame for your tastes?  Then pop in here!  (Note-as you can obviously figure out, adult material.)

Freedom of Speech :: Fan Fiction Archive
A place for fan fics of all ratings-including those with adult material.

A Tribute to Face and Phanan
Dedicated to the best comedy duo this side of the janitor's closet!

Crank Dot Net
This site makes note of all the nutbars out there on the internet.  Go for a laugh, submit a site or two, and remember-just when you thought you'd seen it all....

Obscene Interiors
A hilarious critique of the interior design of amateur pornographers.  (Note-these ARE originally porn pictures, but the figure in question has been blocked out.  However, if you're easily offended, please, don't go here!)
If you like MST3K, you'll love James Lilek!  Don't miss the Institute of Official Cheer, for such gems as the Gallery of Regrettable Food (now a book!) and the Dorcas Men's Wear Collection.

Customers Suck
If you're one of those losers who think, "The Customer is always right", then this is NOT the place for you!

The Official "Weird Al" Yankovic Web Site
I dare you to find one person who doesn't like Weird Al.  And if you don't, shame on you!

Are you a fan of Ewan McGregor?  Of course you are!  How could you NOT be?  Check out this site devoted to one of Scotland's finest!

::iLL WiLL PreSS::
Bow down to your Lord and Master, Foamy, or face his squirrely wrath! (WARNING-not really adult, but a lot of strong language and often dark and morbid humor.)  More Foamy cartoons here.

Snopes: Urban Legends Reference Page
Tired of stupid chain letters about missing children and kidney theft?  Then check in here!  The next time your friends/family/coworkers send you those endless Fwds, point them in this direction!

The Teeming Millions Homepage
Yet another outlet for Dopers-fans of the Straight Dope, that is.  Be sure and say "Hi" to Opal! Ultimate Harry Potter Site
So you secretly dream of receiving an invitation to attend Hogwarts?  Check out this site dedicated to the Boy Who Lived.
Just beware of "You-Know-Who!"

The Harry Potter Lexicon
Everything you ever wanted to know about the world of Muggles and Wizards in J. K. Rowling's spectacular series!
This site wouldn't be complete without a mention of my hometown, the Steel City!  Go to this site and learn to speak like a native picksburger, root fer da stillers and don't ferget to bring da arn!

Christian's and Scott's Interactive Top Ten List
I've been visiting this little gem on the Net on and off for years, even occasionally submitting!  Check out the archive list for hours of amusement.

Gregory Peck Online
Gregory Peck was without a doubt one of the greatest actors of all time, as well as a wonderful, compassionate human being.  Don't miss this tribute site to the man who portrayed Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird.

The Encyclopedia of Arda
A complete online encyclopedia of the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, beloved author of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

Sir Ian McKellen Official Home Page
One of the greatest Shakespearean actors of our time, best known for his dazzling portrayl of Gandalf  in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings.

Dedicated to one and only Audrey Hepburn, her life, her film career and especially her work for UNICEF. 

JediGirl-The Jedi Girl Internet Community
A haven for females on the web, dedicated to philosophy, mythology, friendship and fandom. 

The Unspeakable Vault of Doom
For strange tales of the Old Ones-in comic form!  Cthulhu Fhtagn!

Kate Winslet: Discover Kate.Com
A must see for fans of the beautiful and talented Ms. Winslet!

Satellite News - The Official "Mystery Science Theater 3000" Web Site
If you're not a "Mstie", you should be!  Here is the home of the beloved and acclaimed series. 

Go Fug Yourself
Ever spot a celebrity in the news and think, "They're wearing THAT?"  Then this is the place for you.

Operation Clambake - The Inner Secrets of Scientology
If you're thinking of joining the faith that counts Tom Cruise, Beck and John Travolta among its members, check this place first for the real deal.  Including the REAL information on level OT III-why bother paying out the ass when all the dirt is right here?

Forget Wesley Crusher-Wil Wheaton is probably one of the coolest, funniest and most intelligent persons you could ever encounter. 

The Fanlistings
I blame my friend Jade for getting me hooked on this craze.  My fanlistings are linked on my front page-check out this site and find listings for everything imaginable.

Kitten War! May The Cutest Kitten Win!
Warning-may cause cuteness overload.

213 Things Skippy Can't Do -The List
I want to bear this man's children.