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There will not only be 1 but 2 sets of trialing divided up into 2 categories

Trail - Standard
Probationary - Further Trialing

Reasons for this establishment is to see if our newcomers have what it takes to be in our team..

I see forth that this will be a very good establishment as one set of trialing and then they're full-fledge members..

I can assure you that it won't happen, not to this clan to say at the least..

Conditions of Trialing

* Trialers MUST Wear Clans approved trialing tag
* They MUST provide contacts eg. msn, icq etc.
* MUST attend meetings unless they have valid reason
* MUST & accept to undergo Training Exercises
* Trialers MUST NOT attend Official Clan Wars
* Trialiers can participate in pracs
* Team Captains MUST assess the trialers performance

All Team Captains either agree or disagree whether the trialer have successfully completed the tasks necessary & will be notified once training is completed.

Conditions of Probationary

Same as trialers with greater power but & responsibility
but there are still exceptions..

* Probationers MUST Wear Clans approved Probationary tag
* They are NOT allowed to lead the team
* They are NOT permitted to accept or decline matches
* When a clan war is scheduled, they MUST reply within a reasonable time
* They MUST attend at least a clan war once a while to ensure that they understand the concepts over clan wars
* Probationers MUST NOT be given access to our private forums & communications, this is to ensure that they don't leak out important information we may possess which can then be used against us.
* Probationers can assist senior members to help out if applicable, by doing so it will help them out becoming more suitable players.

If the Probationer successfully does the right thing by not only obeying the policies, also helping out the team they can earn promotions & privileges as well.

They can then become full-fledged members..

Here are the tags for both trial & probationary.

Trialing Tag
YourName.|Gti (T.Tr)

Probationary Tag
YourName.|Gti (R.Rt)

Note: A space is added between the tag & trial/probation tags.

I hope you like the tags...

I'm not aware if any other clans have adopted this kind of policy, lets just say were one of the 1st to establish it