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 9/7/03 9:15 P.m

If you are looking at this site now, it is either naked and barren, or the same as it ever was, with really shitty banners laying attop the cake logo.  Either way is not good, but it will stay the same for the duration of the week.  Lots of work coming my way, then a meet against the whole friggin district on wednesday, plus a yo la tengo concert.  Believe me, I'd love to have the time to make this baby whole again, but I need another weekend, plain and simply.  So we will all have to find cake substitutes, try brownies, or chocolate bars, or ice cream, or this.  Can you believe this has more hits than me?  I mean seriously do you guys just hate me or do you like being bored when you are on websites?  Wish me luck with my endevours, for I wish you luck with yours.  Adios.  All for now.

9/6/03 12.31 A.m. 

For the one or the other(what the hell am I talking about?) I am here, talking to you, because as my favorite new go anywhere do anything phrase of the moment tells me, " at the end of the day, therapy is communication."  It is by my calculations the end of the day, though by yours it is the very beginning, we're both right, in a sense.  Ok fine, you're more right than me, but you don't have to be so anal all the time.  It's not good for you.  So therapy, commense( I assure you that I am completely aware that I am in fact not talking to anyone and therefore am counteracting my previous expressions on communication, and therapy for that matter.  But the fact that I thought about that, proves how much I need improvement  at both.)  Free time?  Well I'm working on it, whether or not this site is gonna become the amazing working machine that it was drafted to be seems doubtfull now.  Reading....bloody reading.  No seriously Greg LOVES reading.  You can't possibly know Greg without knowing that fact.  both those who agree and those who protest, all acknowledge that Greg is a reader, a wannabe writer, and the works. But when Greg reads 700 pages in 3 days.  IT just becomes the rythm of the motions, I just get so used to sitting down for hours reading(this reading was due in the near future) just to get it done, to process the information.   It wasn't all that enjoyable.  Now the task at hand.  I am to read Grapes of Wrath, Gilgamesh, a  bunch of Old Testament books( i was too much of a slacker to ever read them on my own, so that's a plus....I think) 50 pages for history.  I guess all and all it's not so much, there's just a lot in between the lines.  No time waste is time wasted indeed. Hmm for you that makes very little sense, but that is too perfect for me to change, I'll indulge.  Thursday was the best day in my week, for no other reason than that I got to talk to Lauren, on the phone, for about an hour and a half(the average amount of free time I have per day).  We talked about the usual how we are learning to deal with stupid people, and some that we can't(funny how whoever talks to me ends up talking cynically.) There's a really stupid girl in my history class(i'll distinguish later).  Anyhow, it was a good conversation nothing mind blowing but it was PERFECT to me, it was the most beautiful conversation ever, and if it wasn't for dinner and the death of a phone battery  I could have talked through those motions permanently, until my lips fall from flesh.  After that, I read some more, it was all and all the most atypical and incredibly ordinary day(it's an oxy moron...i did it on purpose.) ever, and in all respects I should not have been as happy as I was.  But something about doing just that one mock action of entertainment released me from my work cell.  I'm looking for ways to get ahead of this massive workload now, so that I will no longer have trouble remembering what I do in my free time.  And o what times they will be.  I desperately want to read Lola.  CURSES CURRRRRSES, world literature, what a mixed bag.  O yeah and underworld has been postponed to the 19th, what a shitstorm.  All for now.  Should I move my address to freewebs to get rid of these ass ugly banners? what do you think, I.M. me.  All for now


9/4/03 5:48 P.m.

This site, was completely and entirely forgotten by yours truly in the last days of late.  Updating, at least maintenent(now) looks to be not too far from impossible.  Free time ranges from about 30 min to an hour a night, which I seem to always use to get ready for the next day, and watch some tv that I don't care for.  Anyone who has a surpluss of free time should write to me about it.  Be really descriptive....hey, a guy can dream can't he??? CANT HE? he CAN. all for the second

8/29/03 11:43 P.m.

So I apologize to all the people I depressed with my previous entry on the 28th it was meant  only to show that running is hard and I miss all my fun senior friends, and if it wasn't for Jaskot I would probably quit cross country. It was meant to be in praise of someone who allows my days to be smoother, not the other people who make the day mediocre. All for now


8/28/03 12:37 P.m.

Schedules are in and HEY, they only cost like a hundred dollars.  I know you wanna check up so go right ahead.  As for me, I dunno, I'm not gonna remember and I never get to sit by my friends anyway.

eb - Svor/English 11a

1st - Hoy/Triga

2nd - Stevens/Study Hall

3rd - Kitchen/U.S. Va Historya

4th - Rollison/Physicsa

5th - Bonner/French IVa

6th - Robson/ Computer Info Systems

7th - Lehman/Image Processinga

Thar she blows. That is of course not to mention my online world lit class.  All for now.

8/27/03 12:30 P.m

Should I have just made this one entry?  I'm not so sure.  Well something has come to my attention, that something is a promise, or rather a description I gave of a piece(of writing) on music and how the music industry is really pulling on my ears....  But the thing is that was quite some time ago and I stopped, both because of excess irritation, and not having enough information to back up some of the rumors and such that I have heard so often and readily.  Secondly speaking of educated thoughts and conversations.  As you all may know I am running three seasons of track, and if you can't really guess or tell, I assure you that track runners are not all that interesting, I mean I love the guys I run with( the gay way, I buy them flowers and candy) but more or less they are really boring guys, I mean the small talk isn't too meaningless and is on par with any good small talk, but after that there's not much there.  Last year during the track season there were lots of seniors running with us( who made up a good majority of my friends) and for the most part a good amount of the fun in track.  Only as you may have figured out(you smart devil you) if they were seniors last year, they have now graduated and are as far from here as they are allowed.  So there's really nothing great about track this year, for some reason, I'm not as good as I should be, and it's hot as balls, and just really not all that fun.  Except this one guy Matt(jaskot) who is genuinely fun and smart-goofy(like I) so when I run with him(he runs about twice as far as I, usually) it is a relief.  He is a nice journey from the overly serious other seniors of our team, hey I love being a good team as much as the next guy, but If that's the only reason to come, count me out. You got to learn to mix fun with your hard work, or else it just seems gratuitous and pretty overbearing.  Jaskot is funny and we talk the whole time we run because it's just one of those conversations that are so good it's distracting, which makes running a joy, and I don't have to talk about track like with all the other driven seniors and other ridiculously small talk.  This whole process is not only therapeutic but makes running a lot easier(like a tennis ball only, less repetitive) as well as enjoyable.  He has good taste in music, he knows the same moderate amount of politics I do, and we have some of the conversations I sort of long for in a companion.  So thank god for him, only, I don't know what I'm gonna do next year, hey I'm great at talking to people, even if I don't know them, but after a while, I really require something back... I guess I'll have to become one of those seniors with sticks up their asses. All for now.

8/27/03 12:15 P.m.

What the hell happened to my profile? I went in to add this sweet summary of the Oedipus Trilogy here, and I tried to see if it would fit on Mr. profile since I had gone from two links to one and now maybe I might have some spare room for a tiny link.  Well I didn't have too much hope and right I was, it just plain and simply wasn't going to fit, but I was ok with that.  So I turned the profile back to normal and it was way beyond the character level.  That's funny I thought, only it wasn't really funny so I sure am a thought liar.  And then when I turned the link cake into cake it actually ADDED characters.  So I ended up having to get rid of my watch my back quote, all the enters in between thoughts, change the (adapted by Greg Topscher for smooth-o-city) to just adapted for smoothocity and take out lots of apostrophes. what the crap. Smaller font.  Too small? Tell me, you're the one who reads this crap, not I.  I have more dignity than that.  All for now.

8/26/03 4 hours later

Yeah so, I mean you knew I was gonna make it better, you had to, it's me were talking about here.  The godfather is awesome what a great movie to inspire some classiness in my website.  Next time be on the lookout for punctuation and whole thoughts.


At the moment there is a half finished Casablanca dealie under the extravaganza page, but is that really good enough for the Greg. HALF FINISHED??!!  Sounds like the work of a deadbeat, a real low and lecherous sort, a kind of soap scum that is too clean to be dirty, but too stubborn to ever come off.  Will I go and finish the page?  Do I have the balls?  Stay tuned cake enthusiasts the coming hours bring fate ever closer.  All for now.


So there’s just about one week left until school starts, it’s the truth you’re going to have to establish that sooner or later it matters not how many times you have to be told.  I think the only reason I am not scared crying, stressed or pissed off is that I kind of refuse to accept the fact that it is really here.  If you know in which sense I mean.  So obviously I’ve not been doing my typical shopping list of things to prepare for my very own culture shock.  You know the ones, weasel out of going with your mom to buy clothes(and yet somehow convincing her to get you clothes still, that always end up looking lamer and bigger than you possibly could have imagined, I mean I’m not picky but it’s like, does she have eyes.  I love her and all but I just don’t understand.)  buying school supplies like you actually care about learning in the hardcore fashion, and lastly building a bombshelter and preparing for fallout(Did you know you could buy bombshelters, I mean….what?  Does that work for you guys, because I would certainly die in mine).


What else is going on, o yeah I’m doing another webpage on Oedipus the King(notice sweet profile quoting) and Freud’s Oedipus complex, if you people are interested.  It is in fact for school but Grego finds it ever so interesting, I’ll link it up upon completion(the ceremonious icing of the cake if you will…mmhmhm..mhmhmh….hmmmmm).  Other than that I have just been realizing that quite a lot of people have been coming here including one I didn’t even know about, which makes me happy whilst also making me look ass-like for being a lazy bastard who never updates.  But mostly making me a happy ass.  Summer reading will be nothing more than one book this year thanks to a lot of luck and a very smart amount of competent laziness.  Matter of factly my bestselling American novel(Michael Crichton’s  A Case of Need) is quite enjoyable and I am actually pleased at summer reading  and how it has turned out.  Lauren is gone, Greg goes back to work, talks to mom a lot, watches lot’s of movies(39 steps by Hitchcock, is superb), reads comfortably and without pressure thanks to his one-book-needed-ness, and sleeps like a teenager…er.  I think if you use proper punctuation I would actually make a lot more sense, or would I.  I guess we'll never know.  All for now.


OR IS IT.  I have been wasting far too much time playing this game, you remember that soccer game where you had to juggle the ball.  Well that was all good and fun and I liked it but it was a bit repetitive and I was never going to get the high score or anything so why bother.  But then again there’s this new game(man, new is the best adjective) here that adds points for style and like keeping your calm and I think if you recite the alphabet backwards while juggling you get points for that, I’m pretty sure. 


I’m pretty sure they suck., but hey now you have something to beat in the next 5 min.

Energy: 51

Metal: 1

Snot: 32

Eyeball: 1 ok so I’m kind of scared of the eyeball......all for now*

*: the real ending phrase



GREG UPDATE. ooooogh


As I listen ever so attentively to my legions of fans impatiently screaming and chanting for the  arrival of "more cake" or something like that, I don't know I wasn't listening.  I think maybe they're right I mean numbers don't lie, I wouldn't have a hit counter if I wasn't raking in the hits.  So I say to you fans onlookers and profile surfers hold on one sec. All for now.  



Working on another piece on music, and why it is the solution and cause of more problems than should be legal.  But slowly, and then maybe soon I'll get a real rhythm to this whole updating thing, at the moment I have little reason to believe that anyone is really constantly coming here.  Links(page) on the way (web comics, news, music etc.). I'm also slowly learning html and xml(yeah I sort of knew them last year, but nothing cool, just the useless stuff(comme ici).  So hopefully soon the page will be taking on a transformation of sorts from lackluster to gorgeous though very gradually I am sure.  Good luck to that.  All for now.

Expired Cake, but you know, still pretty to look at.

Extravaganza (Now 1/2 done!!!)


Matrix Poster

Where's the Beef?

matrix pong (click and save as)

something simon says is cool but I can't get to work



garage days

man on the train

american splendor

the last samurai


I have NO IDEA whether this looks good or not, so I guess that's saying something

Kill Bill? Hell yes Plot? I kind of doubt it( I mean they call her Uma Therman, and she is Uma Therman.. if she's playing herse....I mean If they just couldn't....I could have....well.  I'll just pretend there is a plot, it will benefit everyone.)




Devised By Gregorious and all of his evil thoughts.