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brookes random rambling
Friday, 3 September 2004

saturday, september 4, 2004
Memphis Tigers
go to hell Ole Miss Rebels
@ University of Mississippi

guess whos gonna win??

ugh. not a good week. we only had like 4 skillion projects due today and like a test in every subject. get excited. but its over now and we have a 3 day weekend! (can i get a woop woop?? NO. lol bria!) im soo happy! yall get this the hall of fame dance is a month from now! and then less than a month after that is halloween! yay! thats about all i have to say rite now. im gonna go... "clean my room".

Posted by theforce/greenhippo at 3:25 PM CDT
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Saturday, 28 August 2004

Mood:  lazy
wow.... this weekend. on friday after school i went over to miff's w/ marg and lauren n bria. that was fun stuffs man! haha i dont have anymore! your not a cat! lol marg and mrs annabelle thinks we're crazy for "sleeping" (for like 3 hrs total) on the couch w/ the comp. so then saturday we had the garage sale n mrs frisby broke her ankle! that was scary! so marg hung out @ my house till like 8 and then she n miff and i went to the justine model good thing we knew it was a model search! not. so its like 10:40 rite now n miff just went home. im tired man im goin to bed.

Posted by theforce/greenhippo at 10:30 PM CDT
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Saturday, 21 August 2004

ahh the st. agnes dance was off the heezy last nite! besides gabe n ferguson gettin kicked out. lol way to go guys! but it was pretty fun... haha devin that lady thinks we're nazy! lol good times good times... so today i cant go to some pool party @ miff's church b/c of elliotts football game that i get to go stuff. andrew n rachel had better be there. k so im fixin to leave so holla.

Posted by theforce/greenhippo at 9:32 AM CDT
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Sunday, 15 August 2004

wow...i completely forgot about this thing. so last week was pretty good considering it was the first week of school. mrs pickens scares me tho. geez. so then on friday miff n teen teen spent the nite. that was fun. the grumblecakes will be mine! lol n then sat. was me n linz's partay! it was really cool besides zach throwin cokes @ everybody. n then me linz aimee hannah ferg ryan n rutledge did fireworks outside of linz's house. it was kinda funny cuz will would throw firecrackers n bottle rockets @ linz n aimee n they would flip out. so then when we were doing screamers the neighbors had a heart attack. it was really funny. so i need to go do my homework but i really dont want to. but i think im gonna. later.

Posted by theforce/greenhippo at 7:27 PM CDT
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Monday, 9 August 2004
zones zones zones!!
ahhhhhhh! se was soo awesome! yay for the tiger 11-12 girls free relay! settin tha record baybee! n then ZONES! ahhh such good times man! me lauren jon mikey taylor n drew were the awesome chicks n studs from tigers dominating the pool! acctually mainly just lauren n taylor but we were there too! lol MARE BEAR YOU SHOULD HAVE MADE IT!!! you deserved it n we woulda gotten the meet record w/ you! an tricia n nikki shoulda made it too! everybody there i love yall n miss yall soooooo much!!!!!!
grace anne
kristi and
yall rock my world!

k im gonna write down the insiders from that meet on here instead of on the cap! lol kennedy n alex!

if u start cryin, im gonna cry, n then we'll never get thru this. -alex
pelicans pelicans!! -dakota
23 is old! its almost 25, which is almost mid 20s! -grace anne
xaco -alex
kevin mahoganog! -kennedy
butter toast -michael
i felt that one vibrate! -kennedy alison n ga
power rangers ninja storm! -kennedy
having to pee on the airplane~ -ga, lauren, parker, n sarah
we all live in a yellow submarine, but we hate the stupid thing n we wanna paint it green! -alex, GA n kennedy
11 year olds are so mature! -alison
waynes world! waynes world! party time! excellent! party on wayne. party on garth. -jon n michael
~team song: slow motion
~playing like 10000000 games of speed
~the blue pig

and the funniest thing on the whole freakin trip~~~~

we were meant to eat MICHAEL SHEPPARD!
but we lost ourselves
somewhere in the hotel
somewhere in the hotel!

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha good times yall! i miss everbody sooo much! rock on ses! southern zones champs 3 years straight!

soo im gonna start talkin about that cuz i might start cryin... (n if you start cryin im gonna cry n then we'll never get thru this!)
so today was the 1st day of school. fun stuff im a pacesetter yo! that means i have mrs pickens. get excited! ooh ooh guess how old i am! thats rite i turned 13 yesterday! it was so awesome mrs mary put signs all over our door that were like welcome back zones champ happy birthday and a bunch of other junk. it was awesome. k thats all im gonna write rite now. im gonna go shopping! yay! lata

Posted by theforce/greenhippo at 12:35 PM CDT
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Thursday, 29 July 2004

i shaved! yay! haha for all you "nons" this is a big deal b/c i dont ever shave except for big meets and i was starting to turn into a bear. lol SE starts today! im most nervous about the 400 tonite b/c im seeded 1st and theres nowhere to go but down. oh well at least i get to get it over with. ahh my mom is being really anal about how many clothes i hafta have for se/zones so we're goin to target later to get some shorts. seeing as how i only have like 2 pairs. well i g2g pack some mo.

Posted by theforce/greenhippo at 8:58 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 28 July 2004

howdy! haha southeasterns is tomorrow! im really nervous thanks to zones and im normally never nervous for any meet. but im excited too so thats good. MARE BEAR YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT! so does jovis! haha ga--remember our deal! n i know you will have a blast doin the 800 free. ahh zones will be my last meet as a 12 year old! *sniff* no more 50s..... but ill get over it eventually. well im gonna go finish my cd that im burnin. its too slow when aol is on.

Posted by theforce/greenhippo at 4:39 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 27 July 2004

camisole has promised that it will just be 45 min. of water polo and a warm down but im not sure if i believe her. i really hope it is tho. ahhh i am soo sunburned! after practice this mornin i spent all day @ kirby's for her birfday! happy birthday kirby!! just chillin n watchin movies n swimming n such. it was great fun but now im a lobster. remind me to never go swim all day w/o sunscreen. ouch. so i think thats about all i wanted to say for now. im gonna go take a shower.

"get yer butt back in that car, go see yer folks, and then MAYBE we'll talk!"
-jake from sweet home alabama

Posted by theforce/greenhippo at 8:40 PM CDT
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Monday, 26 July 2004

hooray for taper! it is my best friend EVER! lol we started the ez part of taper today and i was so excited! haha and then i went to the eye doctor and he told me i have 20/100 vision! you know how like perfect vision is 20/20? yea so that means if something is 20 feet away i see it like its 100 feet away! super! so then i came home and read my super fun 300-page summer reading. woo. gah can you believe school starts in 2 weeks? i am NOT excited. so thats all i really have to say rite now. luv yas!

this song is awesome!~

Stay With Me
-by Finch

once again your eyes
make it hard to say goodbye,
so i'll just keep driving
where do you want to go?
it doesn't really matter
as long as you are here with me
with me
with me

whoa, theres something in the air tonight
something that makes me feel your love
whoa, what were the words that you said to me?
that made me feel so special now

once again your eyes
make it hard to ask you why,
so i sit here, knuckles tight
hands against the wheel
your head against the glass
and you mean so much to me
to me
to me

whoa, theres something in the air tonight
something that makes me feel your love
whoa, what were the words that you said to me?
that made me feel so special

whoa (stay with me)
whoa (stay with me)
whoa (stay with me)
whoa (stay)

stay with me
cigarettes and open air
hand in hand
and i said
stay with me
cigarettes and open air
cuz every star that i see
is brighter than the last
[repeat 3x]
so stay with me

Posted by theforce/greenhippo at 12:12 PM CDT
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Sunday, 25 July 2004

hola! its brooke n miffs! we just got back from hueys where we had a really hard time shooting toothpicks! haha miff shot one in some lady's hair...but anyway before that...on sat. we had the city meet! it was fun we hung out w/ tricia, lauren, austin, taylor, rachel, pete pete n petey, pdavie, mare-bear, sare-bear, ryan n riley n some other peeps! it was fun stuffs man even though chickasaw got 3rd to stupid g-town and WYNDIKE! shutup michael dont say anything! so then after that miff spent the nite n then we went to church n hueys! and now we're here! so thats all im gonna write miffs wants to type something.

shootin toothpicks at huey's was great fun! but i had lots of problems gettin it to stick in the ceiling! wow jovis is really weird he wants to be BIRDMAN duh duh dah!

Spoppothegreat78 [12:52 PM]: To be the greatest lunatic to wield a weapon far more deadly than anything that has walked this earth
Spoppothegreat78 [12:52 PM]: TO be....
Spoppothegreat78 [12:52 PM]: BIRDMAN!
Spoppothegreat78 [12:52 PM]: duh duh dah!

wow is he special! ohmigosh brookes room is orange! its so PRETTY!! i cant wait until my dad gets around to paintin my room! its gonna be guess wat color?! PINK!! P to the I to the N to the K! wat does that spell?! PINK!!!! i want to go to the pretty pretty land of pink if there's not a place called the pretty pretty land of pink then i will make it up! duh duh duh dun dun dun dah! the pretty pretty pretty land of PINK! whoa i made up a song dont ask! the pretty pretty land of PINK!! thats wat the song will be called! everybody will think i'm a loser b/c of that song but oh well! its a cool awesomely awesome song! dont make fun of it! i'm havin too much fun typing this! i am a girl from pretty pretty wonderful land of PINK! lalalalalalalala dun dah dun duh!! pink is so pretty and if u dont think that i will hunt u down! haha jk! but u should think pink is the prettiest color ever! oh yesterday brooke was being the tickle-monster and she kept chasing me and she scared me a lot and then she kept tickling me! i was so scared! trogdor!! trogdor!! dun dun dun dun dah! INTENSE! dude those waves were like intense dude! our surfers lingo!haha well we're gonna post it now!
<*-*>MIFFY<*-*> pretty sure miff is on drugs... JK! haha g2g!

Posted by theforce/greenhippo at 12:59 PM CDT
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