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JOEY Support All Grown Up

I know as parents we try to comprehend what rasing a special child means. I thought I was going crazy when our son was first diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD. But what really caught our attention was the other disorder he had called ODD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Well, we as parents wanting the best for our child turned to the Internet to find out how to raise him. What we did find out was there was a lot of negative things and he wasn't going to grow up to become a statistic. Everything we read said there was no hope for these kids, they would quit school, go from job to job and have no home life at all, steal, lie, get into fights easily, more or less he would be a common criminal. As A parent I am here to give you hope he graduated, has a steady job, and a nice car. Parents you could take all the negative things and turn them into a positive reaction.My son is proof he graduated, got a steady job, and drives a nice car. Your child can do the same thing, just hang in there I know it will seem like forever but they grow up so fast.
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