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» ..:: ©GOLDBERG© ::.. «


The screen opens in the back of the WWE Smackdown! arena. The camera pans around the arena searching out for all of the fans with signs. You see alot of signs all over the arena, signs for Y2J Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, and Goldberg. As the camera goes around it focuses in on some of the signs. The camera continues to move freely around the arena till the Smackdown pyrotechnics shoot off all over the stage. The fans go crazy as WWE Smackdown comes onto the air.

The camera zooms out to a shot of the ramp from behind the ring. The pyros continue to go off as the fans go crazy. People are standing up cheering, waving their arms and signs all over the place. Fans are running to get back to their seats as the Smackdown theme music starts to play out into the arena. The last set of pyrotechnics go off as the fans return to their seats.

The lights fades back in as the camera flys around the inside of the arena. The smoke is starting to clear and the fans are starting to settle down. Yet alot of fans continue to stand, waving their signs for their favorite superstars. Alot of people are sitting down, eating snacks or drinking their beverages they just got from the concession stands. The screen swings around the arena and stops to focus in on Tazz and Michael Cole.

Michael Cole- Good evening and welcome, to another great night of WWE Smackdown! I'm Michael Cole sitting next to Tazz right here in Madison Square Gardens, home of Wrestlemania XX. It's great to be here live on such a great night, filled with such a great capacity crowd! Every seat in this building is being sat in, or stood by, at this Smackdown just three days after a great WWE Raw!

Tazz- You've got that right Michael Cole. A great WWE Raw is exactly what we had. There were a few big matches that are setting up a very large and highly important pay per view coming up at Vengeance. We have a man on a mission, Stone Cold Steve Austin, who is working on a streak of three great wins since Bad Blood, who is looking to hold a streak, all the way up till Vengeance, when he will get his chance on the WWE World title.

Michael Cole-And we have another number one contender that is looking to keep a streak alive, The Undertaker did not take place in a match on Raw, unlike his previously beaten opponent Goldberg. Goldberg faced and defeated Scott Steiner on Raw. That was a great match that we'll have to come back to later. Chyna defeated Rhyno in the upset of the night. Chyna just fought hard and did what she had to do to keep herself in that match. Then when the time was right, she capatalized on a big mistake by Rhyno. Great win for Chyna!

Tazz-Batista also won his first match in the WWE when he took on Edge. Tommy Dreamer came to the ring and may have decided this match for Edge to win, but misfired and hit Edge. Batista capatalized on the dazed Edge, when Edge misfired with a spear right into a trash can. Edge was pretty much out of it after that mistake. Dreamer came in again though, hitting Edge, which made Batistas first one a pretty easy one.

The camera fades away from the announce table and into the back of the arena. Goldberg is just pulling into the arena on his custom made Jesse James chopper. He pulls into his parking spot and shuts down the motorcycle. As he climbs off of his motorcycle, Josh Mathews comes walking up to him. Goldberg looks over to him, and he pauses for a moment. Goldberg is starting to take his duffel bag off of his motorcycle as Josh begins to speak.

Josh Matthews-Goldberg, you're just arriving. So I take it you havent heard what Scott Steiner has been saying about your match on Raw? He says that he feels he should have won the match, and that if Batista wouldnt have come down and gotten involved, that he indeed would have won that match. How do you feel about that?

Goldberg-How do I feel about that? I feel that regardless of the interference, Scott Steiner didn’t stand a chance in that match. At the beginning of the match, we were going blow for blow. We were tearing into each other, but by the middle of the match, right before Batista showed up, Steiner was starting to tire out. His punches were getting lighter, and his resilience was being tested. I on the other hand was doing just fine, getting ready to start taking it up a notch to leave Steiner in my dust. He feels that because he can punch for punch with Goldberg for two minutes, that he can out wrestle me. Well he’s wrong, he cannot out wrestle me. He said before the match, that he was at his best, but his best wasn’t good enough. Scott Steiner, just couldn’t handle the pressure of being in the ring with Goldberg. Whether he feels he should win or not, he lost, and that’s what counts. When you look at his record, you don’t see “Goldberg” under beaten opponents. You may see Edge and Kane, but you will never see Goldberg. He wants to feel like he deserved the win and that it was Batistas fault that he lost, let him take that up with Batista, not me. I had nothing to do with Batista showing up at the ring, that was all him. So Batista and I have Bad Blood, he needs to leave it out of the ring till we have a proper time to take care of that. So Batista, hear me now. Stay out of my matches, and out of my in-ring business. Or my Vengeance, will be twice as thick, and twice as sweet. And tell your buddy Rhyno to not get too down; Chyna has beaten a lot of guys. She’s got just as much talent as a lot of us men do, never underestimate her. Well, that’s all I’ve got to say for now, I need to go to my locker room. I’ve got to get ready for Hurricane.

Goldberg grabs his duffel bag off his motorcycle and walks away from Josh Mathews. The camera follows Goldberg all the way through the back of the parking lot, and into the arena. Through out the arena, Goldberg made very few stops anywhere, accept when he stopped to check in with the backstage manager. After that he walked down the halls, and into his locker room. The camera fades back into the WWE Smackdown arena where Christian is in the ring. He is talking about his first win since being back on Raw. And how he's going to take care of Steiner tonight. He's pacing around the ring as he begins to speak about that attack he recieved from Goldberg. He talks about how he's not upset about it, because he did provoke it, but it still upsets him. In the middle of one of Christians sentences, "You're Next!" plays out into the arena sending Christian into shock. Goldberg walks out of the back in his street clothes heading down to the ring. He climbs into the ring and snatches the mic from Christian.

Goldberg-Christian, you're back, much like I am. I am sorry about that spear, I couldnt just sit there and let you make me look like an idiot. But that's in the past. No hard feelings alright man? I understand that you take on Steiner tonight, man if there's anything you dont want to do, dont let him get you in that Steiner Recliner. It's a hell of a move, and once he locks it in, he's got control and you cant really go anywhere. But that's beside the point, we already know that you're going to be alot faster them him, because he's so big it's hard for him to move around quickly. And his arms are so big, that after about twenty punches, they get tired of swinging themselves. He's a very large man with a huge set of biceps, but having them so big is one of his downfalls, muscles do get tired from swinging, and his, being the size that they are, get tired twice as quick. If you make him run around alot, he'll get low on air. He doesnt have that large of a longue capacity because his pecs shrank his longues. I dont know man, you could very well beat him. Always try to keep and edge up on him, because as long as your a step ahead of him, he'll never be able to catch up. Make sure you stay very active, if he's down to one knee, pressure him, make him keep breathing hard, dont let him catch his breathe. And dont let him get any quality swings in on you. If he swings, make sure it's going to make very little contact with yourself, because he can wear you down with punches just like any other wrestler can. He can make you make mistakes, but not if you're careful and follow your own game plan. If you do that, you will have no troubles at all. Everything should be fine. But hey man, it's your match, good luck. I hope you have the same success that I did.

Goldberg tosses the mic to Christian and climbs through the middle turnbuckle. He hops down to the side of the ring and walks up the entrance ramp. He gets to the top of the ramp and turns back to Christian and points. You can see on his lips that he's saying "Good Luck". Christian begins to speak again as Goldberg exits the arena. Christian gets snappy in the inexcaptance of Goldbergs appology. Christian finishes his talk and hops out of the ring and exits the arena. The camera fades in on Michael Cole and Tazz.

Tazz- I thought we were going to see a confrontation between Goldberg and Christian. I never thought that Goldberg would come out here to wish him good luck. Not after that spear through the coffee table. I mean, do you think that you would be able to trust the Good Luck from a man that on Monday night Raw, speared you through a table? Would you be able to trust him at all? I could have swore we were going to see a street fight break out right in the middle of the ring. I was ready to call security or the referees, we dont need either of these men hurt before their matches tonight.

Michael Cole-Tazz you werent the only one that was expecting a confrontation. Last time we saw these two any where near eachother was on Raw when Goldberg speared Christian right through a coffee table. Christian was left out cold till his friend Chris Jericho came in and woke him up. Christian explained what had happened, and went about his business. It was as simple as that. Well ladies and gentlemen, we need to take a quick commercial break. We'll be right back here on Smackdown after this quick break!

Commercial Break sponsored by Coca-Cola, LUGZ, and Hot Wheels!

The screen opens back up in the back of the WWE arena. The camera is moving around the locker room hallways all the way in the back. It was wandering up and down all the hallways, looking for one specific door. The camera turns left down one hallway, goes past the first door, but stops on the second. On the door, there is a nameplate that reads, Goldberg.The camera focuses in on the door, and then fades to another camera that's inside of Goldbergs locker room. Inside Goldber is walking around stretching out. He is loosening up his arms, shoulders, and neck muscles by swinging his arms around in the air.

The screen fades back out to the WWE Smackdown arena. Michael Cole is up walking around in the ring. He has a mic in his hands. He is walking around looking out to all of the fans and waving. Some of the fans are waving back and some of the fans dont care that Michael Cole is there waving towards them. After he has gone to all four sides of the ring, he walks to the middle.

Michael Cole- Tonight I have been granted the privelege to interview Goldberg before his match with Hurricane. I have a couple good questions to ask him, hopefully we will get great replies out of Goldberg. He is supposed to be out here in a couple minutes.

Tazz- Michael Cole was assigned this interview inspite of his ring side announcing job. Because he is the best interviewer we have in the WWE. Michael Cole started his career in the WWE as an interviewer, and moved up to ringside announcer as soon as the smackdown show was introduced. Michael Cole deserved this job, because he put his heart and soul into the WWE. So they gave him the announcer job, and he's been happy ever since.

Tazz stops talking just as "You're Next!" plays out into the arena. The fans go crazy in cheers and chants as the pyros start to go off on the entrance ramp. Goldberg walks out and stands in them for a moment, but then walks out to the middle of the ramp. A giant explosion of sparkles goes off behind him as he begins to scream to the fans.

Goldberg walks straight down to the ring, he stops at ringside and looks up at Michael Cole. After he stares at Cole for a minute, he walks around the security wall giving handshakes and waves to the fans. He turns back to the ring, he hops up onto the apron, and climbs in through the middle turnbuckle. He walks around the ring and then comes face to face with Michael Cole. Michael Cole brings the microphone up to his mouth.

Michael Cole- Goldberg, you had a huge win last week on Raw against Scott Steiner. That put your win/loss record to two and one. You lost to The Undertaker who is getting an Intercontinental title shot, soon. But above all these things, you have yet to put your hands on your own WWE gold. How does that make you feel?

Goldberg takes the mic from Michael Cole and walks around the ring as if he is thinking. He has a very interested look on his face. But he doesnt seem to be angry about it. He walks around the ring one more time before he brings the mic up to his mouth.

Goldberg-How do I feel about it? Do you expect me to want to just walk up into the WWE and just take whatever I want? Sometimes I wish it were that easy, but it's not. Around here you actually have to work to get what you want. And that's exactly what I plan on doing. I’m going to work my way up through this fed, one man at a time. I’ve already worked past The Rock, and Scott Steiner, Undertaker was a little bump in the road, but I will work past him too. I will work past everyman in this fed till I am the one on top. Till I’m the one that everyone else is hunting for. And that’s just where I want to be. I want to be in the place where I have to work to my fullest ability, because I have what every wrestler wants. The WWE World Title belt. I will be up there someday, maybe sooner then I think, or maybe later then I’d like. But when I’m up there doesn’t really matter, because I’ll be up there. That fact will never change, some day when Goldberg is truly at the top of his game, he will be at the top of this fed. There will be no stopping that. Because I will truly be the man to beat when I get to the top of my game. But I’ve got some searching to do before I will be at the complete peak of my career. I’ve got to search and find my true self, that will help me be great at the top. I know that I will have to go through people like Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, and many others. But that is all part of the plan, you’ve got to work your way up, and that’s what I’ve got to do. Whether I’ve gotten my hands on gold already or not, doesn’t matter to me. I’ve only been here for almost two full weeks. Do you expect me to have taken over this fed already? I mean, I’m a good wrestler, but to have taken it over in two weeks, that’s a little out my league. I’ve made myself felt, and for now, that’s all I need to do. My major impact will come soon enough. Don’t worry Cole, I will have serious impact and you will know exactly when that impact is made. Because everyone in the WWE will feel it, not just a select few.

Goldberg throws the mic back over to Michael Cole who bobbles it a little bit, but makes the catch. He walks around the ring looking over his question cards looking for his next question. He flips through the cards rapidly, but comes to a quick stop. He pulls the mic back up to his mouth.

Michael Cole- Goldberg, you've been booked in a match tonight with none other then the Hurricane. The super man of the WWE. How do you feel about your chances in that match?

Goldberg walks back over to Michael Cole who quickly offers Goldberg the mic. Goldberg grabs it and once again walks around the ring for a moment. He walks over to a turnbuckle and taps his hand on it. He turns back to Michael Cole and bring the mic up to his mouth.

Goldberg-How do I feel about it? Well what can I say? Hurricane may be a goofy little character, but then again, he has a lot of talent. He knows what to do in the ring, and he does it well. But regardless of whether is good, or whether he is great doesn’t matter to me. Because I’m going to defeat him regardless of how good he is. He could be like Andre the Giant for all I care, and I’d still beat him. In wrestling, size doesn’t mean any thing; it’s how much you want it that counts. And right now, all I want is to have a consistent win streak, I lost to Undertaker, which threw my rhythm a little off, but not enough to slow me down. You saw that when I wrestled Scott Steiner. Undertaker was a bump in the road, but Scott Steiner is where the road smoothed out again. Now Hurricane, seeing as I’m back on the smooth side of the road, I plan on keeping it that way. I’ve got no problems with you, probably never will, but when it comes to the ring, you are my enemy. You are across that ring from me, which makes you my target. I wont try to hurt you, but if you make a mistake that I can take control with, I’ll take control. That or I’ll never let you get control in the first place, and just run this match by myself. Hurricane you better be at the top of your game if you don’t want to get dominated, regardless you will lose the match, but I might not pummel you as much as I can. Because I’ve taken control of people and beaten them in a couple seconds. You’ve seen me do that before, I did it with The Rock. Someone that you would never usually see be dominated in such a fashion, but I did it. I went toe to toe with the Undertaker, and I underestimated him, so I lost. From now on, I wont estimate anyone, I’ll do my best regardless of who they are, and how big they are. Because like I said before, it doesn’t matter how big you are, it’s all about how much you want it. And I know there are a lot of people out there that want a lot in this fed, but none of them want it as much as I do. I want so many things in this fed that it isn’t funny. But the things I want, are well within my reach. And will soon be within my grasp. Because I have enough want to take me anywhere, anywhere that I want to go. So all of you that are sitting up top, in a place that you think you can be calm, be afraid. Be very afraid, and you want to know why? Because You’re Next!!

Goldberg tosses the mic to Michael Cole who this time makes a stiff catch. Goldberg laughs at him as he walks to the corners of the ring to lift his hands to the fans. He walks past all four corners, stopping to lift his hands high in each corner. He climbs down from the last corner and looks back at Michael Cole who is just watching him as he goes around the ring. He turns and climbs out through the middle turnbuckle. He hops down to the side of the ring and makes his way up the entrance ramp. He walks out of the arena as "You're Next!" plays out to tall the fans. Tazz begins to speak as Michael Cole comes down out of the ring.

Tazz-Goldberg speaks about working his way to the top and taking care of Hurricane tonight. He's got big plans for himself in the WWE. So far he's only made a little ripple in this fed, but he intends to soon make a giant splash. The one thing that we could have been happy to see, Goldberg here making waves in the WWE!

Michael Cole sits back down and puts on his head set. He does a little shake and looks around towards the fans and back to Tazz.

Michael Cole- Goldberg can be one of the most intimidating men you'll ever stand face to face with. Just a quick glimpse of him can make your entire body want to shake uncontrollably. I feel bad for Hurricane tonight, because Goldberg has bad intensions for him in that very ring Tazz.

Tazz- Michael Cole, you better just calm down. You've got nothing to worry about. Goldberg wont come after you. He does that to make you afraid of what he could do, not what he will do. Goldberg is a wrestler, you're an announcer, that right there is the only reason you two will be in the ring at the same time. So stop worrying!

Michael Cole-You're right Tazz, Goldberg wont come after me. I need to calm myself down. It's been awhile since I've done a normal in ring interview and you know it. And what a way to get it started again, with Goldberg. He's got plans to slowly make his way to the top of the WWE, but for some reason, with the way he wants it, I feel that he'll get there faster then he plans on.

Tazz-Goldberg knows very well that he could get to the top quickly if he wants to, but if he did that, he wouldnt get enough attention from everyone else in the WWE. He wants personal attention, and the way he's going about it, he will have plenty of personal attention from everyone in the WWE. There's no doubt about that. I know that he hasnt even came near me yet, and he's gotten my personal attention!

Michael Cole- Yes he does Tazz. Goldberg could go anywhere he wants in this fed. It's all up to him. All he has to do, is work like he's been working and getting where he wants to be should be quite easy. But you never know, there are a lot of men here that want to stop Goldberg. So we'll see if he goes to the place he wants to be. We should have a great night tonight Tazz, alot of interesting things planned.

To Be Continued..(If Need Be)

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