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Michael, age 21

Always searching for the next adventure to represent a conquest unblocking a path in my mind, as too have a good time at self improvement and gratification. All is for the gift to find a path and execute a turn of a key to unlock the mysteries of my inner self and help the others around me.

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 Chakra Energy 
Astral Training
Chaos Math
Afrikan Past

Chakra Energy 
The everyday fufillment of channeling energy to charge the chakras and give myself an awareness to the subconcious mind to apply my positive affirmations to guide myslef to the path of enlightenment that provides a reality that will alow the pasage of my personality and making that personality as receptive and focused as my mind body soul and the enrgy I devour to be applied positively to everyday life.

Astral Training
When I fall asleep I use my Lucid dreaming techniques to define what I want to study and gain more awareness towards so the interpretations of my reality becomes more vivid and understandable so I can apply each step I take in reality to move closer to etheric perfection.

The place described by my inner self as wisdom to create a new beginning for every aspect of your being because you can move the status of any elemnt to perfection in your minds eye so you can begin as an entity flawless at any point in your studies as to regain your full potential multiplied by what you wish to acomplish

If I did not affirm to myslef that everything I held to be true could not be contested then I would be trapped in a "physical form that would obstruct the path of chaos and defining properties that I will not allow to interupt any task that I am given

Afrikan Past
Staying @ one with witch has brought me here, Keeps my goals within my grasp. When I spawn a new Idea I give thanx "Pay Homage" to my ancestors for laying the opportunity before me so I can include whatever my hearts wishes into play for everyday life. I always remain knowing that my ancestors are at peace because they can see destiny's interworkings.

Staying focused on my goals personality. I find a goal to be a movie or game where every intricacie is worked out to the minutias focal point so my every being iss filled with a task that it must meditate upon and bring back the enlightenment to succeed with its nitch.

Changing my perspective creates a reality for me to grab the next piece of the puzzle so that I am truly picking the path that would be only considered if I was the colsest to unconciosness.

Bringing Everything I try for to my physical body in everyaspect to be dealt with by my personal opperator. My personal operator begins to refine itself and therfore blossoming emotion, creation and imagination within myself


Hear me! It is true what many of you had heard. The machines have gatherd an army, and as I speak that army is drawing nearer to our home. Believe me when I say, we have a difficult time ahead of us. But if we are to be prepered, we must first shead our fear of it. I stand here before you now truley unafraid... why? because I believe something you do not? No! I  stand here with out fear because I remember, I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but the path that lies behind me. I remember that for 100 years we have faught these machines. I remember that for 100 years they have sent there armies to destroy us... and after a century of war I remember that witch matters most....... We are still here! TONIGHT!  let us send a message to that  army, tonight let us shake this cave, tonight let us tremble these halls of earth's steal and stone, let us be heard from red car to black sky. tonight lets make them remember this is zion and we are not afraid!!!