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Imladris: The Cloven Valley

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The Lord of the Rings movie site!!!
Prophet's Inc.- The official Terry Goodkind webpage
Star Wars à la Dude
A Song of Ice and Fire
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Demitri Online- Come see the world's sexiest baby!
All Your Base Are Belong To Us

AN APOLOGY: I am sorry for the banner or the popup window that has appeared on your screen while viewing this page. Angelfire is very nice but it still likes to give you ads. This page would be ad-free but I don't want to pay $4.95 a month for that. Also, I know this page is crap because I'm not actually a computer junkie yet so I don't know a lot of HTML. This will have to do for now.

A Bit About Fëarelda (that's me):

Well, first of all, I have to let you know that if you're going to pronounce my nickname as "fee-REL-duh," then you're being silly. It's Quenya, meaning "elf-spirit." If you can't see the two dots over the first "e," or there's just a weird symbol, you should see... two dots over the first "e"! So anyway, Fëarelda is pronounced "FEY-ah-REL-dah." And yes, now you might be asking what the hell Quenya is. It's "High Elvish," a language invented by J. R. R. Tolkien, author of the famous The Lord of the Rings trilogy. If you think I'm therefore a fanatic by giving myself an elvish alias, you're still being silly. And if you think Tolkien is stupid, you're even sillier. If you haven't even read Tolkien, die!!!!!!! So, now for a bit, or perhaps a lot, about me, besides my alias.

Why is this called Imladris: The Cloven Valley?

Because Rivendell is my favorite place in all of Tolkien's writings, and it is a nice quiet spot to stop and think,and to be merry. I hope this site makes you think and laugh, too.


Why do you even ask me that? You're being silly still. Do you think I'll just tell that to you? For all I know you're a pervy hobbit-fancier. (Inside joke, that.)

Shouts Out To...
I wouldn't be close enough to an average teenager if I didn't give shouts out to people. (See, now I've told you something about my age, but that's too bloody bad.) I do feel obligated to say hello to all I know... Beata, Paige (or Éponine, I get them confused...), Cassandra, Chelsea, Jess of the Trees, Baka, Mandi(guru), Emma, Nils, Farah (elle fera!), Sarah (elle sera!), Cathi, Anna, Ian, Ice, Jana, Alex, the Amazing Gerg, Jojo, Grant, Jes, Elise, Sarah R. (nasilsin?!?!), Red, An, Axel (Shoulder Man!), Ms. I, Karen, Laaaaaauuuuuren, Claire... ack, the list goes ever on and on. And a special "hello" to you, Nick. I love you forever and ever and ever. You don't know how much you mean to me. @}---`--,----

What Is the Goal of My Page?

Well, in all honesty I don't really know what the goal is. Maybe I want to make myself known. Maybe I want to spread my beliefs and ideals. Maybe I'm just some bored schmuck with too much time on my hands. (Webpages are very fun... I need to learn more about designing them. But beware of Homestead!!! Homestead is evil!!!)

So, About Me, Finally

Favorite Band: many
Favorite Song: many
Favorite Book: The Lord of the Rings
Favorite Author: Tolkien
Favorite Color: Green, followed closely by grey and blue
Favorite Play: Hamlet
Favorite Comedy: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Pasttimes: writing, acting, singing, playing guitar/flute/keyboard, dancing, drawing, reading, philosophizing and debating, talking online... lots of things
Religion: I'll get into that later
This isn't nearly enough about me for you to actually care about me, but you know, that's okay.

My Online Life

I'm not tellin' you my e-mail, cuz that would be silly. But if you want to contact me my AIM screenname is Uber1337 Bob Elf (once QwertyElf, but no longer), and my Yahoo! Messenger screenname is fearelda, although I am not on Yahoo! as much as AIM. I just got MSN Messenger, too. That screenname is AnarchoSyndicalistCommune. I do not have ICQ and I don't have chat software like IRC. Also, if you IM me with hate messages or porn advertisements I will block you immediately. I will also block you if I think you are boring. I'm mean. XD I also appear very occasionally at two online bulletin boards. At the Prophet's Inc. board my ID is Arwen Evenstar, and at SF-Fandom I am the same. On Livejournal I am known as Caliquendi; on Deviant Art I am Marius Animus.

What else is on this page?
Right now what I have are the Poetry Pages, Favorite Quotes, Fylosofi, a.k.a. My Warped Mind, my livejournal, the HBHS Guitar Club webpage, a cultural geography assignment on the Israel-Palestine conflict, my DevArt site (please ask to see it; some of the content is not for the conservative type), some personality quizzes to pass your precious time, and the slowly-progressing HARRYPOTTERSUCKS.ORG.
That's all, folks. May the stars shine on your faces!

This site copyright © 2003, by Fëarelda.
All rights reserved, and that shyte. I can't stop you from plagiarizing, but if you plagiarize and I find out... you're gonna be one sad, sorry bastard.