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The Intimidating Blog
Thursday, 19 August 2004
More Rain Anyone?? :)
Another blast of thunderstorms have dampened my spirits. Oh well it will dry. I need to mow the yard, and I was going to do that on Friday but I will have to wait and see. Had a rough rehearsal last night with the students. They just weren't playing too well. I will make some adjustments in tonight's rehearsal. All in all they are doing really well!! I am excited. I have to remember that we are still early in the year. Like school has not even started yet. They are farther than they usually are and the band, as a whole, is playing really well. We still have plenty to work on, but we have the time. Music is everywhere. I might be picking up another marching band. I have a meeting with a director soon and we will see!! I am searching for Bach's Tocatta and Fugue piano sheet music because that song is in my head. I really love the organ stuff. Organs are magnificent instruments. I am hoping to find a nice collection of works by Bach. That will be worth the money, for sure!! Well have a great day and stay dry.

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 12:13 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 17 August 2004
Greetings Everyone!!
Hello again from the great state of Indiana. Not much new here. I am just chilling listening to Rubberband Man by the Spinners. What a great song and group. If you don't know this group, you better check them out. I got my Tower Of Power tickets and I am ready for that show too!! Just over a week until the show. Anyways I am looking for piano sheet music for a Dire Straits song. They are a great group. I like all their hits. I want a greatest hits book. Their music is very cool. I hope that I can find one. Well wish me luck I gotta go search!!

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 5:34 PM EDT
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Monday, 16 August 2004
Tower of Power anyone??
We are under two weeks until the Tower Of Power concert!! I am so dang excited. I got my tickets Friday!! It is going to be a splendid show. The band is great. Their music is one of a kind and out of this world. I am doing a search for piano sheet music by this awesome group. You can't hear music like this any more!! Check it out!!

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 5:06 PM EDT
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Friday, 13 August 2004
Oh yes the weekend!!
The weekend is here. This is a good thing. I have a family reunion tomorrow. We are a huge family and it is always great fun. I hope that it warms up though because it is freezing today!! :( Someone needs to fix that. It should not be like 60 degrees out in August. Oh well. I will live. What a productive day. Since band camp is done, I was able to work a long day at the other job and that was good because there were things that needed done. Next week I should be all caught up. Right now I am chilling looking up some piano sheet music for a friend. She wants a certain song. I am trying to find it now. Well gotta keep searching for this music. She is going to call soon. Bye!! Have a grand weekend.

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 3:37 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 11 August 2004
No Time To Talk!!
Time is running out today! I don't know where it went but it is already quitting time!! I have to blast from here to get the hair but!! After that I need to rush home to see if my piano sheet music came. I ordered it awhile ago and I need to start practicing for this wedding. Well gotta run!!

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 6:34 PM EDT
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Monday, 9 August 2004
Go Harvick!!
Although he did not win Sunday, Harvick got a top ten finish and that is a great thing. He moved up to nineth in the points. The gap to eleventh is closing but he is doing okay! The race was filled with caution flags. It was the slowest average speed ever. Of course in the end Gordon won his fourth 400. Oh well, we will get him next year. Not too much going on today. This was the start of the last week of band camp. I am excited about this. The drive back and forth and everywhere is getting old. I am ready for a new routine. The music is coming along. The kids did okay for a Monday. They just need individual music practice. Time at home. Speaking of music, I am doing a little search for the new Jewel piano sheet music. I finally bought the CD of the weekend and now I want the piano book. She is a great artist. More singers need to be like her.

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 6:35 PM EDT
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Friday, 6 August 2004
Music to my ears!!
I will tell you what is music to my ears. 43 3400 pound stock cars starting their engines at the Indianapolis Motorspeedway!! That is what I will be listening too on Sunday. I will be there!! I am so fired up it is unbelievable. I will be there Sat. and Sun. for the race. It will be good times for sure!! Right now I am looking for music. I am searching for piano sheet music for the show choir show. I am trying to get ideas for next year's show. Have to plan now to stay ahead!! Wish me luck.

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 5:59 PM EDT
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Thursday, 5 August 2004
The weather finally broke!!
Well we are getting a little bit of a break today in the weather department. Yesterday it rained all day but that broke the humidity and left us cooler temps. today! Boy do I really sound like a weather guy now. That is not good. I am singing the sunshine song!! :O That is just a cool song. I found the lyrics and now I am trying to find the piano sheet music for the darn thing. It is tricky. Not a lot of demand I guess for it. Music is hard to find for it. I will keep searching until I find it!! Onward I go!!

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 5:01 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 August 2004
Oh happy day!! :)
Things are kinda looking up for the man over here!! I paid off my lawyer on Friday, but then his little prissy secretary calls me yesterday saying that I still owe lots o money!! I tell her WRONG ANSWER SISTER!! :) I love it when you keep good records and you can just tell them where there money is!! I called her back today with all of the check numbers and stuff. She didn't have much too say after that!! After that conversation I guess it should be no surprise that I have the song MONEY in my head!! Pink Floyd is a neat group. I am starting to listen to their music a little more now. I like all kinds of music. Another kind of music that is everywhere is piano sheet music. That stuff is all over the world. You name a song and I can find you the sheet music for it. Piano sheet music is just the way to go, I guess!!

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 10:07 AM EDT
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Friday, 30 July 2004
Yes this is the end of July!! :)
Another month has come and gone. It was one full of change over here. I can't really complain. The summer is drawing to a close. I did more this summer than I usually do. Even though I was working three jobs, I got out. It was fun. Today ended the first week of band camp. It was a great week. The kids are learning the music really quick. I love this time of year. The freshman are getting adjusted and the others are leading the way. They were definitely spoiled by the weather though. It was a cool, cloudy week with a little rain today. I am relaxing and listening to some brass bands. I love brass band music. These groups are smoking hot. I am looking for some piano sheet music of songs by these groups. The music is just outstanding. That is my day though. Gotta run!!

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 6:11 PM EDT
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