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Eagle Squad Page

Squad Joining & Creation Instructions So, you're fanatically addicted to a NovaLogic game and you want more. Joining or creating a squad is about as close to stepping into a game as you can get without putting your foot through your monitor. It's a great way to show your dedication to your game, meet other enthusiasts, play more games, and increase your overall gaming experience. This page outlines the process involved in creating or joining a NovaWorld squad. The Rules The following rules apply for both human-based squads and unit-based squadrons. The term squad is used universally for all NovaWorld games. You must be at least 13 years old to register a squad on NovaWorld. You must have the "NovaWorld Official Squad" At least Three (3) people must be active (with Email) and listed on your squad web site to be posted as an "NovaWorld Official Squad." Squads with multiple "pop-up" windows will be rejected. The No-Nos The following No-Nos apply for all squads. NovaWorld is working to insure that only the best and most worth while squads make it on the Official list. Here is a list of No-Nos that will stop your squad from being listed on NovaWorld. Multiple "pop-up" windows Gator or other program installs Squads with incomplete registrations (form not filled out completely or incorrectly No/Incorrect "NovaWorld Official Squad" HTML Bad Links Missing Roster with member emails No NovaLogic game related material Inappropriate Content i.e.: profanity, nudity, drug references, multiple pop-up windows, etc. SAMPLE SQUAD The Process Step 1 - Think of a Squad Name Think carefully about your Squad name. It identifies your team and will be the most recognizable aspect of your Squad. Pick a name that will help you stand out from the crowd and is something you will enjoy. Don't choose the name of an existing Squad! Your designation will carry your team's reputation as long as you play so make sure you are happy with your choice. While you have great latitude when choosing, NovaLogic must approve all Squad names. If we feel that your choice is offensive, rude, or inappropriate, you will have to resubmit your Squad under a new name. Step 2 - Gather Teammates A Squad is not made up of one person. Before you can register you need to gather at least two other players to be your Squadmates (3 total). These can be friends or people that you have met while playing on NovaWorld. Be sure to pick members who match your play-style and are willing to commit to your Squad. Remember, your Squad will be known by the actions of its members, so make sure they are a good match. Step 3 - Create a Squad Website Once you have your team in place you are required to make a website dedicated to your Squad and the NovaLogic game you play. This will be a place for your Squad to attract new recruits, explain your style of play and brag. It will also be a place for other Squads to find out about you and make contact for challenge matches. We require the following content on your website: Required Content Includes e-mail links (3 member minimum) member list (3 member minimum) registered game HTML (click here) Some squads go as far as putting message boards and chat rooms on their pages - the level of detail is at your discretion. If you are not sure what to put on your web site, take a look at some examples from the NovaWorld squad pages. If you're not sure how to create a web page, there is a wealth of information on the Internet that can get you started. Remember: All squad names and content are subject to approval by NovaLogic. Required content must be placed on your web site. Squads with incomplete, invalid, offensive, or vulgar content will not be posted. Squads with multiple "pop-up" windows will be rejected. Step 4 - Fill out the Form We have provided you with a form that makes it easy to register a squad. Once you have finished creating your squad website, click on the "Squad Registration Form" to register. SAMPLE SQUAD Thanks for coming and if you want to be apart of the squad go to the link located in the middle of the page and find join a squad. Buh-Bye

Thanks for coming to my web page these are a few things i have on this site


Go here to learn more about joining squads
This is the link to go to for the games that are to hard to beat
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