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My Little Spot on the Web!

HEY YALL thanx 4 checkin this out  


yo  , 

ok now to the funny stuff!!!

Caroline's mood most of the time: im a moody little sack of hormones!!! hehehee    me: on min later next and once again hehehehe

Cartwheel convo. with allyn ann
duMbrUnnEttE90: DOLL FACE!
DuMbLoNDiE890: no im a gambler! ha
duMbrUnnEttE90: oh
duMbrUnnEttE90: GAMBLER
DuMbLoNDiE890: ha lol
duMbrUnnEttE90: **
duMbrUnnEttE90: i bruised my butt caroline:-(
DuMbLoNDiE890: ha sry
duMbrUnnEttE90: it was hilarious what i was doing though
duMbrUnnEttE90: I was trying to do a cart-wheel:-)
DuMbLoNDiE890: hahahaha
duMbrUnnEttE90: I hit my foot on a chair, and then i fell flat on my butt
duMbrUnnEttE90: it was hilarious
duMbrUnnEttE90: cause i was singing when i was doing it.. and i was like lifeAH!
duMbrUnnEttE90: ahahahahaa
DuMbLoNDiE890: you hit chairs and elizabeth hits doors what will i hit when i try!!??
duMbrUnnEttE90: a table:-P
DuMbLoNDiE890: hahaha
duMbrUnnEttE90: i almost peed in my pants
DuMbLoNDiE890: hahaha
duMbrUnnEttE90: I was attemping to do a handstand.
duMbrUnnEttE90: whoah!
DuMbLoNDiE890: ha
duMbrUnnEttE90: ill show you my results of trying tomorrow;-)
duMbrUnnEttE90: its really bad
duMbrUnnEttE90: ratatatatatata

meeting with sara (ducks)
DuMbLoNDiE890: back
doughnut juice: coolies!!!!!!!
doughnut juice: (joopers?)
DuMbLoNDiE890: i no amber is at our house and said she wanted to play a game so i had to get off
doughnut juice: oh
doughnut juice: is she w/ ya now?
DuMbLoNDiE890: no
doughnut juice: oh kay
doughnut juice: i wanna make up a word...
DuMbLoNDiE890: ok
doughnut juice: do YOU wanna make up a word?
doughnut juice: man, this dude warned me cuz he didn't know who it was...
doughnut juice: i hate dudepeople like that...don't go into a chat if ya don't want peoples ya don't know to im you! geezez!
doughnut juice: is 'duck' already a word?
DuMbLoNDiE890: yesss
doughnut juice: :'(darn it!
doughnut juice: what about 'ducky'?
doughnut juice: :-\
doughnut juice: my dear fellow duck, i welcome you to this meeting with all the 'other' ducks! now, lets get to business...who has any ideas for our retirement plan?
DuMbLoNDiE890: hahhahahahaha
DuMbLoNDiE890: lol
doughnut juice: umm...this isn't a JOKE quacker...we really need this:-\
doughnut juice: ideas? okay then...does EVERYDUCK in here know how to use 'emergency-duck-floatation'?
DuMbLoNDiE890: YUP
doughnut juice:, does anyone have any concerns or points of interest
doughnut juice: ??????????
doughnut juice: anyone?
doughnut juice: well, th-th-th-that's all folks!
doughnut juice: (i have to empty the dishwasher and get clean!
doughnut juice: )
DuMbLoNDiE890: ok
doughnut juice: [][][][][][][][][][][][][]
doughnut juice: okay then...thank you for attending this meeting...have a nice evening everyduck!
doughnut juice: well, i guess it is just you but...
doughnut juice: buhbye anyways!!!!!!!!!
doughnut juice: i MIGHT POSSIBLY be on again...not quite sure.....okay, buhbye!
DuMbLoNDiE890: bye

Sophie wants to be on the site i feel great
DuMbLoNDiE890: hi
tofu890: hey!!!!!!!!
DuMbLoNDiE890: your on when im on for once!!
tofu890: yah:-D
tofu890: blimey! thought i smelled cabbage!
tofu890: :-D
DuMbLoNDiE890: hahhaha :-P
tofu890: so will ya put me on ur web site?
tofu890: hehe:-)
DuMbLoNDiE890: ok
DuMbLoNDiE890: brb
tofu890:Yeah!! ok see ya l8r

Elizabeth McNeil is feeling funny i think
Lizziy1209: :-(;-)=-O>:o8-):-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: whats that 4?
Lizziy1209: im all enotion
Lizziy1209: hehehe

me and olivia odachowski are the classic blondes look>

on the bus >

dancinojo: you know mrs.cullinain sounds so countryfiyed she almost sounds britsh!
sweetblondie5600: HAHHAAHHAHAHHA
both of us : hahahahhahahahahahahaha
sweetblondie5600: hahahaha........really?...... hahahahahahaha

my other classic blonde moment at brown summit :

imachaos:how stupid was that smoke painting thing?!
ERICAst108:I know!!!
Dumblondie890: i think i saw the owl....
both of them: ahahhahahhahaha Caroline it was a joke!
Dumblondie890: oh hehehehe
convo of the caroline's shahahhhahaha
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: hi caroline!
CarolineAnimalS: hi other caroline????
CarolineAnimalS: is it other caroline
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: yeah!
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: :-D
CarolineAnimalS: hey
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: whats up?
CarolineAnimalS: nmu?
CarolineAnimalS: well actually trying to make an emu land on the freaking platform
CarolineAnimalS: without dying
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: =-O hahahahahah
CarolineAnimalS: the freaking emu died again
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: :-) ahhahaha
CarolineAnimalS: I HATE EMU'S!!!!!
CarolineAnimalS: !!!!!!!!!!
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: hahahha
CarolineAnimalS: They f*ckin' suck balls
CarolineAnimalS: the damn thing can't even land without dying
CarolineAnimalS: and then when it dies it twitches
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: hahahahaha
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: you make me laugh caroline
CarolineAnimalS: next time i at a zoo i am gonna cuss it out
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahha
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: rotflmao!!!
CarolineAnimalS: that damn thing deserves it
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: ok brb
CarolineAnimalS: you should try the game go to www. and on the first column i think click on emu lander
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: ok
SwEEtBLoNDiE5600: brb
CarolineAnimalS:ok see ya
caroline wants to be on my web page too!!!^ i feel great!!

david my duhhhhhmmmbbbbb cousin:
DuMbLoNDiE:hey heyhokie: hi
DuMbLoNDiE890: so how is the playdogh girl friend of yours
DuMbLoNDiE890: ??
DuMbLoNDiE890: tee hee
heyhokie: haha
DuMbLoNDiE890: oh she likes another sqarehead im sorry
heyhokie: haha
heyhokie: we r just fine
DuMbLoNDiE890: did u get a mohauck < how do you spell it> ?
DuMbLoNDiE890: ???
heyhokie: no i did not
DuMbLoNDiE890: mohawk *
heyhokie: i dont know how to spell it
DuMbLoNDiE890: wow correct grammer
DuMbLoNDiE890: ar*
heyhokie: haha
DuMbLoNDiE890: how did you cut your hair playdough pee-wee?
heyhokie: the way i always do
DuMbLoNDiE890: and how is the playdough posse?
DuMbLoNDiE890: tee hee
heyhokie: ok that enuff
DuMbLoNDiE890: i love the way you spell go back to kindergarten dont they teach u to spell at blue ridge?
heyhokie: i know how to spell ok
DuMbLoNDiE890: ;-)
DuMbLoNDiE890: :-P duuuuuuhhhhhhhhh im peeeeeeeee-- weeeaaaaaaaa
DuMbLoNDiE890: duuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh cat got yo tongue
DuMbLoNDiE890: ???
DuMbLoNDiE890: teeeeee hiiiieeee
heyhokie: no i am doing something else
DuMbLoNDiE890: ok well im going bye bye ive amused myself enough for one day hehehe
heyhokie: bye
Sara has berty bots!!! one was vomit!!she said they were HORRID!! lol

this web page is not finished and will be up dated soon.