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Currently I am looking for help in the following fields::

Graphic Arts: who can provide me with sprites for enemies, weapons, and the like. Most of this catagory is already finished, but there are a few things I have yet to get done, as I don't want to have 100% of my sprites to be un-original, so if you think you can be of any help, please get in touch!


3D Modeling: I do not necessarily need fresh new 3D models yet, though in the future once Legacy has MD2 or MD3 support, I will highly be considering re-working all the sprites into 3D models, but in the mean time I simply need someone to help me learn how to load up 3D models from Jedi Knights 1 and 2, so that I can take screen shots of them in action, with skins and all. Also I would not mind taking screen shots of a few of the weapons in action either.


Scipting: I have a few ideas that I'd like to pull off with Fraggle Script, if anyone can be of any help in this section, as far as providing me with sound advice or examples, that would be great.


Mapping: I am always up for anyone who can contribute quality maps, that would fit in well with the Starwars universe, and the scope of my "unfinished" story line.


Full credit will be given to all contributions..


Contact me on ICQ @ 69790872


or via E-mail @


AmiXDel AT yahoo DOT com