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My Favorite DJ's

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DJ Irene, Who Else???
They list cool guest DJ's
umm, also list cool DJ's that are coming to town

Ok, I pretty much just want to dedicate this site to someone who I look up to and admire very much. This person is DJ IRENE!!! I'm not just saying this because she is a rich and famous DJ. I am saying this because of what she went through to get to be that rich and famous DJ. DJ Irene had visited Utah quite a few times and I never went. I hardly ever knew about the concerts. I saw her CD in a store once and wondered why it had an explicit lyrics lable on it if it was dance music. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS MISSING OUT ON! So one day my brother bought me a DJ Irene cd for my b-day. When I heard it, I was hooked. I went to her next concert. I was BLOWN AWAY!!! She knows how to move a crowd. I had always wanted to be a DJ, but I left that concert PREPARED to be a DJ. The next day I went and bought euipment and records and was ready to learn the art of the turntable. I look on DJ Irene's website at least once a day to stay updated. Well, one day I saw that they were going to be filming a movie and needed fans of girl DJ's to send in videos of themselves. I had never done anything like that, so I went in search of a camcorder I could use, found one, filmed myself talking about how much I love DJ Irene, and I sent it in. DJ Irene was going to be playing at the club again, so I was prepping for it like a week in clothes, sharpie so she could sign my new clothes, etc. Well, I got a call the week before the concert and it was the director of the film that was being made. She told me she loved it and that I was for sure going to be in the film. Then she told me that she was going to fly over here, come over to my place and film me, then was going to introduce me to DJ Irene!!! So the week went by so slow because I was so psyched! Then the day came and they showed up at my apartment. After about 2 hours of talking and filming, we headed for the club. They told me I wouldnt be able to meet her til after the party.......So I danced my ass off right under the DJ booth the whole night. Then she played her last song and it was time....... we waited til she signed the last autograph and the director leaned over and said "Irene, this is Michelle". OMG, I almost passed out. She said, "hold on a second." then she crawled down out of the dj booth and sat down on the floor of the dj booth so we were looking eye to eye. She said "tell me about this video you sent in of yourself....I heard you bragged about me" I was in shock, I couldnt stop smiling and she didnt stop smiling either. I told her how I looked up to her for being so strong in the electronic music scene, even though she is a girl, and a lesbian at that. I told her that I was the same....lesbian wanting to be a dj. She continued to tell me that it was a lot of hard work and dedication. Drugs are always around, but to never give in, because all your dreams will diminish if you get caught in that. We talked for about an hour. Then everyone wanted to take pictures, so she pulled me in front of her, grabbed my boobs and told me that I was her bitch for the night. Then she signed a t-shirt for me. she wrote "Michelle, Good luck in all you do. DJ Irene." and gave it to me. It was unbelievable. Then she got down out of the dj booth and gave me a hug. Afterwards, we went outside and waited by her Hummer that was there to pick her up. The director asked where the after party was at, but DJ Irene was too worn that was outta the question. But she looked at me while she was in the Hummer and said "Be good. And good luck with everything, OK?" Then she smiled and waved goodbye. GOD, that was the night of my life. Since this I have gone to see her 2 more times in concert, but I never thought she would remember me, so I never really talked to her. But last week, about 10 months after this all happened (It happened in April of 2003) someone from where I work (I work at a call center for rental cars) told me that they recieved a call from DJ Irene. She wanted her to tell me hi for her. That made my day. Not only is DJ Irene the most fuckin awesome DJ ever, she is one of the nicest, hardest working, inspirational people I will ever know. And for that I have so much respect for her and her work. DJ Irene kicks ass no matter what ANYONE says.
