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Death From Above

NovaWorld Official Squad

Squad Info. Page
Rules and History Page
Recrutment Page
Picture Pages
Message Board

\DFA/ Poll
Which weapon is your favorite?

Current results

If you havn't noticed a poll has been put up. Right now the polls are displayed on the main page but soon they will have ther own page.
We need a better message board if you know one e-amil
All people wishing to be admins post it on the anouncements forums and tell WHY you should be one.

Maj.Wolf has been booted out of the \DFA/. We are going to make a funny movie clip to of wolf getting the mess shot out of him. If you have a movie program that records what you see; Please email ChrisBusby\DFA/ at

We will be haveing \DFA/ tryout's every day. They will be under public games. We will have \DFA/ meetings at least once a week all day. Just be on the lookout for \DFA/ tryout's or \DFA/ meeting under public games.

These are e-mail addresses of the \DFA/ site watchers.