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Dedicated to the Man, the Myth, the LEGEND


My Thoughts

Act Like Danny

What Does he Like?


The Best Teacher One Could Wish For

Daniel Chandler

Daniel Chandler is no ordinary man. That's right, he's GAY! And that is why I respect this guy so damn much - not many people have the balls (don't take that literally) to come out about their sexuality but THIS MAN HAS! But Danny isn't merely content with saying he's gay, he makes sure you are damn well aware of it!

This guy has it all - the guts to be honest, the confidence, the willpower, the belief and the determination to get whatever his mind wants.

Seriously, the world needs more people like Daniel. Anyone who has the capability of making a subject like Media & Communication seem remotely interesting deserves a medal. But Daniel doesn't want people to be 'remotely interested'. He wants them to say every day "Media & Communication fuckin' rocks!". And they do...

This site is dedicated to a man who has the power to transform students from lazy, rebellious "I don't give a fuck" people into true academics, and it's all due to his queer charm. So, without further ado, help yourself to my virtual presents!