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Maximus [Brood] Logo Competition

OK as some of you may already know Maximus [Brood] hold a competition every now and again to get a new crew logo.

Instead of just one member creating the picture the leader and tassadars decided it would be much better to involve the rest of the crew as we fight together and we win together so why not keep the team work going.

This is where you become involved. We want you to show off your creative skills and idea's off to the rest of outwar.

Well here are the rules

1, You may submit up to 3 pictures

2, Please let us know how you created it, weather you took image off the net weather you used andobe photo shop so on, we wanna know how it was done.

3, Put down your age,

4, Using some one else in the crews image is not alowed,

5, We will pick 4 pictures for the final, the runners up may receive a prize as well. depending on how good the end resuls are.