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hey HEY hey
look! a new font! but anyways... what's goin on? is anyone even coming here? i dunno, whatevah. i think i'm gonna learn to use frames to scroll inside the piece of paper that this is written in. instead of having to make it bigger if there's a lot to put in here. there probably won't be... but yah never know. and this will give me something to do, othere than watch tv, skate, practice guitar. still need to get pictures. maybe i should buy a digital cam... my video camera takes poor quality pictures. i don't think there's gonna be videos on my site, not enough space to upload. if i do it would have to be only 3 seconds. and that's without the addition to all the other crap that i might put on here. i dunno, we'll see

let me know if you come here... dunno if this is even worth while
e-mail me at
mail from real people would be hella tight