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Neopet's Game Classified Information

The following is classified information and cannot be accessed on a daily basis to avoid notification:

The game cheats are as follows:

Meerca Chase: (When in the menu screen) Type: eatneggstooblue4 (This will add to your final score in Meerca Chase with an extra 10,000np and is unlimited)

Destucto-O-Match: (When in the menu screen) Type: BlocksandCubes09 (This will add to your final score in Destructo-O-Match with an extra 10,00np and is also unlimited)

Spell or Starve: (When in the menu screen) Type: Blacksmithtoo23 (This will add to your final score in Destructo-O-Match with an extra 10,00np and is also unlimited)

Chomby and The Fungus Balls: This game's cheats are currently under constuction.

Email tu3tonic which is my staff account with your password and I can activate the code for you so the cheats can be activated.

Remember, this is classified information and we would prefer if you kept this information to yourself, it will avoid me losing my job.


Jonathon Weaver