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Newest Random Witty Comic

 5--03:Whats this?! A.........COMIC?! From.........BRAD?! Yes belivers, its true. PEACE OUT.

 5-1-03: Ahoy there, mateys. Brad is mad at me, so I guess I'll leave him alone. I made a comic called Stick Murder, so I guess I'll put it on here for the time being. PEACE.

 4-29-03: Sprite section up. Yo.

 4-28-03: Brad wants me to put up a dang 'Flash' section to this site. I'm not that good at Flash, so I'm not gonna do it. ARR.

 4-28-03:Hiya. Tis' da webmaster. Tis' may be a odd update. I....farted.

 4-27-03: Arr. Its me, Calvin from Random Island. And uh... I'll be helpin' Brad here with his site. PEACE. :)