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Practice For The Concert Nite...
Prologue... (click on the pictures to view full size)
Dance Pic #1 Dance Pic #2
The Famous Egyptian Statue Dance, but where's the desert?
The Legendary Hyper Ground Punch... "We will rock you"
Dance Pic #4
Dance Pic #3
The Great Modern Finish, but I still can't figure out whether she was pleased or disappointed.. go figure this one out
The Impressive Traditional Finish...note that when the traditionals are on stage, it lights up.. must be the lanterns
Dance Pic #6
Dance Pic #5
The Notorious Communist Dance... unfortunately, lights went out. "dim the lights" was "cut the lights"... anyways, it suits them well.. all dark and black..
Uh-huh.. as traditional as a traditional can be...lanterns when there's no fire..thought fire was invented first
Dance Pic #8
Dance Pic #7
The Grand Finale... things get kinda messy here, so watch out!
The all-guys gang.. dunno wad dance tho
Click here for the Modern song

Click here for the Traditional song

WARNING: Songs are in extremely low quality due to size restrictions, plz ask me if u want the full version. The songs are also copyrighted so... u hafta delete them within 24 hrs...

...Eh? I was just kiddin 'round.. this only happens on formal websites... =P