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These are some ideas that incorporate two or three of the CAS elements: creativity, action and service.

In the School Community
· Teaching children who have a disability how to swim (action, service)
· Coaching/managing a sports team (action, service)
· Teaching the guitar to a younger class (creativity, service)
· Designing and constructing bulletin boards for other students with messages encouraging reflection about important subjects (i.e. wars, poverty, etc) (creativity, service)
· Writing for a school newspaper (creativity, service)

In the Local District
· Working with abandoned children to paint murals in their care institution (creativity, service)
· Teaching a language to recently arrived immigrant children (creativity, service)
· Exchanging artistic or musical skills with other students in a local school (creativity, service)
· Leading a mountain expedition (action, service)
· Organizing a “Walkathon” to raise money for guide dogs for people who are blind (creativity, action, service)
· Providing a water supply in a village for leprosy patients (creativity, action, service)

International Level
· Organizing student participation and raising funds for the Model United Nations (creativity, service)
· Raisings funds for Amnesty International/ Greenpeace/ World Wide Fund of Nature/ other such international organizations (creativity, service)
· Creating and managing a CAS web site (creativity, service)
· Assisting victims of natural disasters (creativity, action, service)


Philosophy of CAS
Aims and Objectives
International Baccalaureate Organization
RMHS CAS Information
CAS Participation Documentation Form