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Week 1
Make sure the mailers and channels are cleared (bldr pword)
Make sure the yahoo!group is cleared
Make sure the weyrling and candidate barracks are cleared
Make sure those who need access to all the relevant things (group, mailers, egg mound, search stuff) have them
Edit the app, if needed
E-mail or moomail?
Advertise upcoming Search on game
Announce SC Q & A

Week 2
SC Q & A
Send “Welcome to SC!” mail to *tws
Be sure to forward the applications we do have to *twa
Gather SC
Make sure they’re added to *tws *twcan *twa and *desc mailers
Make sure they’re added to SearchCo and twcandidates channels
Make sure they all have access to the appropriate commands on the FO
Begin accepting Themes ideas
Advertise Search elsegame
Announce Applicant Q & A
Post schedule for SC

Week 3
Applicant Q & A
Point to help files
Application workshop

Week 4
Stop accepting SC
Themes Vote
Begin accepting applications/rpviews
(ask for dates/times of availability in app)
Begin teatimes ASAP

Week 5
Themes Vote due
Begin Eggs
Begin Abstracts

Week 6
Week 7
Color seminar

Week 8
End OOC Search
SC meeting
Begin vote

Week 9
Vote due
Egg touching
Dragon questionnaire
(include egg choices, name change and hatching date)
Abstracts due
Begin dragons

Week 10
Egg touching

Week 11
Egg touching
Dragon questionnaire due
Get with WLM to make sure they know what needs to be done and how, especially on Hatching Day
Send note to candidates regarding hatching day etiquette and robes
Write a “Congratulations!” letter
Note to those not Searched
Announce date of hatching

Week 12/13
Hatching Day
Chat with those not Impressed
Follow up and feedback
SC Meeting

Using #707

Clearing the egg mound

Clearing the group

Barracks commands

Editing the app

SC Q & A

SC schedule

Applicant Q & A

Application workshop


RP workshop

Etiquette workshop


Egg touching

Color Seminar

Dragon questionnaire

WLM stuff

Hatching Day