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Welcome Fellow Campers!









Trip Status:

No trips currently planned.



10/10> Welcome camping enthusiasts. We finally launched our brand new website dedicated to campers around the world. Come here for updates, news, or if you just want to chat about camping.

10/10> Our first camping trip of the season is coming up at the end of this week. We will be heading out to Chestnut Ridge Park on Friday       (10/11) for this excursion.

10/11> Well unfortunately, here we are all discouraged because its still raining like a bitch outside and so our first campout of the season has been cancelled. So I guess we will have to retire to the usual going out tonight. We'll see what happens. We have started a new e-mail account so all you enthusiasts can e-mail us with you questions, concerns, comments, or your own funny tales about camping.


Upcoming Events:

>    First camping trip this season will be on Friday October 11th 2002. Bus leaves at 5:30pm sharp. Gloomy weather however has so far hindered our spirits for this first trip. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a beautiful day where we can fully enjoy the camping experience.

>    A meeting will soon be held sometime early this week for our next trip.


Useful Links:

The Weather Channel

National Geographic Explorer

West Virginia University


Camping Tip of the Day:

To smuggle hard liquor into camp sites try emptying bottles of Gatorade Ice and refilling them with the chosen alcoholic beverage. The authorities will never know!





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