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Who will win the Stanley Cup this year?
San Jose Sharks
Philadelphia Flyers
Tampa Bay Lighting
Calgary Flames

Welcome to Camel HQ!"A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."
-Star Wars
NOTICE: The new site is located here. =)


History Project

Here's a link to my history project on the California Gold Rush: History Project


Updates Part 2

You may have noticed that there is now a spinning logo in the top left corner, a poll under the menu and a quote under the bouncing 'Welcome to Camel HQ!' thing.  At least, I hope they're there.    There should be even more coming soon.  The quote thing will actually have more than one quote in it.  Every time you go on you might get a different one (well, not yet.  There' only two quotes in it so far, so you can only get those two).  If anyone has any quotes they think I should put there, please post them on the Message Board or e-mail them to me (my e-mail address is at the bottom of the page).



Expect many updates in the next few weeks.  I'm going to try to add some more stuff to the site to make the pages look nicer (see the new border).  I'm also going to add some new features (maybe a new poll).  If there are any specific things you would really like to see on the site, post it on the message board.  Some things (like games) I probably won't do, but I'd like any suggestions.


Go Sharks!  Go Flyers!

Both the San Jose Sharks and the Philadelphia Flyers have advanced to the NHL Conference Finals.  Let's hope that my two favourite teams will win their series and battle each other in the Stanley Cup Finals!  

New Terragen Page

I have created a new Terragen page in the Pictures Section.  You can download Terragen here.  It's a 3D terrain generator, and it's free!  Thanks to Martin Randle for showing me this great program! =)

Terragen Page


Suggestions & Upgrade

Does anyone have any suggestions for the site?  If so, post them on the message board!  Also, I'm planning on upgrading the site soon.  This means that there will be more stuff coming to the site soon, and that the URL (the address) will change.  I'll inform everyone of the new URL when I get it.  After the upgrade, this Angelfire page will probably become the Archive.  =)


Jurassic Park: Extinction

Here's an awesome Jurassic Park game.  It's based only on text, there are no images.  You have to picture the scene in your mind.  I think it's an awesome game, it's very different from the games I usually play.  My name there is MrCamel.  Also, a tip: don't go into the Rex Paddock or Raptor Pen until you have a lot of health.  Here's the link: Jurassic Park: Extinction  


Happy Easter

I probably won't get on until tomorrow night, so happy Easter!  Hope you have a good day. =)

Member Sites

Members (and moderators) SpinoMonkey and HockeyDude both have websites now.  Actually Spino just updated his, but he updated it a lot.  Here's the links: 

SpinoMonkey's site          HockeyDude's site


The below post was an April Fool's joke, sorry!

The message board is slowly becoming more popular, so you may want to register and join in on the fun!


Because I am not happy with the small amount of people who come here, I have decided to delete the site on Sunday, April 4.  Sorry, and goodbye site. =(  If you want more of an explanation, go to the message board.  It is a more detailed explanation of the closing down of Camel HQ.  Goodbye, Camel HQ. =(   *Cries*


Ooh... a thingy now bounces across the top of the page!  =D  Isn't it cool?  

In other news, Counter Strike: Condition Zero is being released on March 23rd, so you might want to check that out.       Planet Half-Life


 A new logo picture has been added (look up =D).  It was done with Carrara 3D Basics.

SpinoMonkey has a new site.  Check it out.  SpinoMonkey's Site

The picture section has been updated, along with the current projects section being redone.


The pictures section has been added.  It will be updated with more pictures soon.


Sorry about the long absence of updates.  On November 8, 2003,  a few hours after the last news update, my computer died.  Today I got a new computer.  More updates will be coming soon!


Yay!  The 3D software, Carrara 3D Basics, has finally arrived!  I'll try to make something and post it soon.


The colour scheme of the site has been changed to black, silver, and teal.  While changing it, some difficulties were encountered and the rest of the news was deleted. =(

E-mail me at  

15/05/04 12:46:28

August 19 2003 - 2004

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