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Brookville Police Department: The Citizens' Voice

Over the past few years the Brookville Police Department has become renowned almost nationwide for its aggressive enforcement of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code. In doing so, not only has the Brookville Police Department gained its community the moniker, DUI Capitol of the World, but also managed to alienate a good portion of the citizenry. What police chief Dworek has gained in increased revenue for the force, he was lost in respect from the community. In the name of safety, Dworek and his officers have unsheathed their flaming swords of masculinity and machismo, flaunting their badges likes God-given symbols of unadulterated authority, and turned Brookville into a police state. The purpose of this site is intended to extract a community wide opinion of the Brookville Police Department from a population that is rumored to fear police retaliations for simple exercises of free speech - such as signed letters to the editor of local newspapers. All opinions expressed here will be kept completely confidential and anonymous contributions are welcome.

Let your voice be heard!!!

Post your opinions and stories - good or bad - about the Brookville Police.
