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The Official Web Site Of Brian Nason

Well it was duje for another update, so I added some new clips of the love of my life. This beautiful thing holds my career in her hands, and I work her everyday. That's right I got some new pics of 979, my jet. She is a beautiful piece of machinery. Shit I am in Alaska I know you didn't think I was talking about a girl. Anyways enjoy the new pics. Oh, and if you got me on your IM list then you might wana check out the vent link, it will explain a few things. Well that is all for now, feel free to drop me an email or sign the guestbook with any comments, suggestions, or questions you may have for me. Till next time.


Only In Alaska


The Pic of the A-10 is a link to another page I've made with pics of my jet

The "Thoughts and Ideas" link is preety self explanatory to what that link brings you too.

Incase you can't read what is obviously writted on the link, and for some odd reason you can read this, it's a link to pics of my dorm room.

The flattering picture of my neighbor is a link to page I made with pics of people I have met and chill with here.

Alright Incase You Can't Read The Clear Text Below But Can Reas This, The "Random Pics" Link Is In Fact A Link To A Page With Just Some Random Pics.

My Thoughts And Ideas

Random Pics

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