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Last Updated: 10-10-02


10/10/02 - Hey, hey. It's Brad. Back with another update for you lovely people. We've been practicing alot since the last update and I think we're almost ready for the October 26th show. Oh, and we got a P.A. since the last update, so we can actually hear the vocals now. Other than that, nothing much has gone down. We might be playing a show October 25th at Willy Wonka's house (Don't ask me, it's just some guy that hosts shows at his house) with Stranger By Day. We will get all of the details if we do play the show. We also added a pictures page with some pictures of us doing our thing. We also took down the merchandise page because the merchandise was shitty and not worth the money. That's it for now. Peace out.

9/27/02 - What is up homies? This is Cody. Jordan and I attended the Stranger By Day show tonight at the Vineyard. A guy who books shows there took down our info. So hopefully in the near future, we'll be rockin' it out there. Anyway, if you've never seen Stranger By Day live I highly recommend it. They're playing with us on October 26th, so hang around for them. Oh yeah, this Friday (Oct. 4th) we could be playing a small gig at a birthday party... depending on if we can get a P.A. system, and if Jordan and I don't go check out the Swayze's show. That's all for now kids. Later. - Cody. Added Vegas's Profile.

9/26/02 - Well, I'm back for an update after two more practices. The first practice on 9/25 went pretty shitty, didn't get much done. But we did some work on preparing for the Tribute Show. Today's practice was awesome. Another local band from Etowah, Rose Colored Crisis, split the practice with us. They are a really good screamo band. Plus, we got alot of work done on our shit. Other than that there's not much to say. As you probably noticed we changed the banner. The first one just made us look pop-punk, which we're not. That's about it. Later.

9/24/02 - Hey, hey ladies and gents. Just letting ya know there is a guestbook on our site now. So check it out and sign it. Let us know how much you hate/love/don't give a shit about us. Also, Jordan's profile is up now. Rumor's going around Etowah that the Talent Show is October 9th, if it's true, you can expect us to be on stage rockin' out like only BRCB+J knows how. That's it for now. Later.

9/23/02 - Added Bobby and Cody's profile.

9/22/02 - Quick update. Added Brad's Profile. The other band member's profiles will be up as soon as they fill them out. We also added the most important merchandise we have to the website. Be sure to check it out. Also, BRCB+J is almost done with our first song. We have all the music layed out, we just need to get some lyrics written that fit the song. Whenever the lyrics are finished, you can rest assure the song will make it's way onto our site. That does it for now. Later.

9/21/02 - Hello fans, haters, or whomever you are. This is Cody. I just decided I would update you on the status of BRCB+J and what was going on. Well obviously most of you who know about the website know about our show on October 26th. Well we've been practicing for that and have one song finsihed up. The next song we're set to work on is American Jesus. I'm also working in the development of some crude versions of stickers for the band. We bought a little sticker maker, and I haven't really tested it out, so I do not know if it is good. Energy at practice on Saturday sucked, because Jordan had wisdom teeth taken out so he couldn't talk, and Brad couldn't assist with singing or providing leads in songs because he had to go do shit with his parents. Oh yeah, we've added a few new buttons to the merchandise page and Vegas' picture is finally on the band site. Thats all for now kids. - Cody

9/17/02 - We now have some merchandise on the site. Check out the online catalog for a list of items.

9/16/02 - BRCB+J will be playing at the Punk Rock Tribute Night, October 26th @ Swayze's. We'll be playing a thirty-minute set of Bad Religion songs. Doors open @ 7:00pm. The show will cost $6. Be sure to come down and check us out. Click on shows for details and directions.


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