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50 Reasons to Vote for Brett Favre in 2004

50 Reasons to Vote for Brett Favre in 2004:

1.) He's Brett Favre.

2.) Nothing else should matter.

3.) Voting for anyone else makes you a "tool".

4.) 4

5.) He made thriller (or was that Michael Jackson?).

6.) If HE had been watching planes before 9/11, "[he] would've double [checked] it, that's just [him] though."

7.) He's won a Super Bowl.

8.) He's started 25325 consecutive games; 5953 of which he was missing an arm or leg; once an eye.

9.) "Anything else would be uncivilized."

10.) 4 is an even number.

11.) He led the league in TD's last season.

12.) He doesn't need a backup, that's why Richard Pryor can be a worry-free VP. (Catchy slogan I just made).

13.) Unlike other players, like Kurt Warner, he actually is good and doesn't need a Madden 2002 All-Star team to play well.

14.) ?

15.) ^


17.) He was in "There's Something About Mary".

18.) If he was invading the Middle East he would've just thrown a bullet pass at Sadam and then launched a grenade so hard that it mutated into a "Ridiculous Grenade" (TM 11:28pm) that would've blown the Al Qaeda out of their holes.

19.) He owns a steak house, far cooler than the Rangers.

20.) He's the NFL's only three-time MVP (1995-97).

21.) His first NFL completion was to himself, the quarterback snaring his own deflected aerial for -7 yards in contest at Tampa Bay on Sept. 13, 1992.

22.) Possesses a remarkable 29-0 record (36-1 including playoffs) at home when the game-time temperature is 34 degrees or below; passer rating in those contests is 96.0. (He could lead the first succesful invasion of Russia!).

23.) Okay so the last few I stole from his Bio page.

24.) Champ Bailey :-\

25.) 1001011010010101101001010111010010001010

26.) He's the greatest QB in the game.

27.) If you're also from NY like me, you've realized that any vote not going to Kerry doesn't matter anyway.

28.) He'd steal your girlfriend.

29.) Is a lame number.

30.) Meh.

31.) He's done a Milk Moustache commercial.

32.) He's better than Brady, McNabb, and Vick.

33.) Manning too.

34.) McNair is a wuss compared to Favre.

35.) David Fulp isn't 35.

36.) That guy that chopped his arm off on the mountain is a wuss compared to Favre.

37.) He can be drunk and win a game, therefore can overcome ANY obstacle.

38.) He'd probably willingly mow the White House lawn.

39.) He'd look really good on the new 4 Dollar Bill that'd come out during his terms.

40.) He's smarter than Bush.

41.) He's braver than Kerry.

42.) Ralph Nader.

43.) He'd establish football throughout the world so USA could dominate that at the 2008 Olympics now that we suck at Basketball.

44.) 44.

45.) No one would disagree with him, he's Brett Favre.

46.) Somehow I imagine he makes a mean burger.

47.) He would bullet pass anyone who got in his way.

48.) Do you really want someone with a big ass head running your country? (Kerry if you're lost)

49.) I 8 PP.

50.) What do you really have to lose anyway? If you're my friend/reading this site you're probably so dumb now it doesn't matter.

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