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Boba Fett's Domain



Originally from the planet Kamino, Boba Fett was the son of noted bounty hunter Jango Fett. When Jango was first contacted about developing a clone army, one of the only things he requested as payment was an unaltered clone of himself to have as a son.

Boba was the first of the clones produced by the Kaminoans, some ten years before the onset of the Clone Wars, and Jango loved him with all his being. He trained Boba to be self-reliant, and often took the child on bounty-hunting missions.

Boba Fett inherited a full suit of Mandalorian Shock Trooper armor from his desceased father. The unique weapons systems of the armor suited a number of purposes, including enhancement of his arsenal as well as increasing the mystique behind his reputation.

He also acquired his father's Kuat Systems Engineering Firespray-class ship, Slave I and had it heavily modified at Kuat Drive Yards. Many of the modifications to Slave I were developed by Kuat of Kuat himself, and helped to further the design of other starships.

Fett employed the best microsurgeons in the galaxy to remove as many of the pain-sensing nerves from his body. He also had many of his body's pleasure sensors eliminated as well.

As his proficiency as a bounty hunter grew, so did his reputation. It was even believed that Grand Moff Willhuf Tarkin employed Boba Fett to hunt down Han Solo, shortly after Solo's defection from the Imperial ranks, in order to prove to the galaxy that the Empire would not tolerate any breech of loyalty.

This led to his being hired by Kud'ar Mub'at, in an intricate plan to eliminate the Bounty Hunters Guild. The plan, masterminded by Prince Xizor, involved Fett actually joining the Guild, which he had always felt was too restrictive in its bylaws. The plan worked, resulting in the breaking of the Guild into two rival factions.

During this time, Fett also discovered the schemes of Kuat of Kuat, and would have exposed the leader of Kuat Drive Yards if Kuat hadn't been intent on his own suicide.

Fett later became one of the bounty hunters commissioned by Darth Vader to hunt down the Millennium Falcon. This occurred at about the same time as Jabba The Hutt hired him to capture Han Solo. These two commissions fit together perfectly for Boba Fett, who used his knowledge of Han Solo's background to predict Han's maneuver of floating away with the Star Destroyer Avenger's garbage, and tracked the Falcon to Bespin and Cloud City.

On arriving at Bespin he had realised he had been tracked by one of the three IG-88 Imperial Assassin-turned-Bounty Hunter droids. Fett led the droid into the furnace room on the maintainance levels of Cloud City where a trap was waiting. As IG-88 prepared to attack Fett, intent on taking the credit for locating the Millenium Falcon, the trap was sprung and the droids circuits were swiftly fried by a bolt from an Ion cannon.

Boba Fett then took possession of Han's frozen body and returned to Tatooine, only to be intercepted over the desert world by IG-88. In a brief firefight, Boba Fett was able to destroy IG-88's ship, but Slave I was so damaged that landing on Tatooine would be impossible.

So, Fett travelled to the Outer Rim world of Zhar, and landed on Gall. There, he was further beset by bounty hunters, including Zuckuss and 4-LOM, who wanted to steal Solo's body.

Fett managed to escape them as well, only to be assaulted by Alliance starfighters from Rogue Squadron.

Fett escaped them aswell after another brief, yet fierce dogfight and transported Solo to Jabba the Hutt, collecting the large bounty on Han's head to go with his Imperial payment.

Fett escaped them aswell after another brief, yet fierce dogfight and transported Solo to Jabba the Hutt, collecting the large bounty on Han's head to go with his Imperial payment.

It was at time that Fett discovered fellow Bounty Hunter, (although not up to Fetts high standard), Ree Duptom's personal starship adrift and Duptom himself dead.

He took possession of the droid in Duptom's hold and the young woman in his holding cell. The droid contained data on a plot to discredit Prince Xizor by Kuat of Kuat, and the woman turned out to be Neelah, an important dignitry from the planet Kuat although she didn't know it suffering the effects of a thorough memory wipe.

Jabba then offered him a large sum of money to remain on Tatooine as his personal bounty hunter. This allowed him to hide Neelah from the rest of the galaxy as one of Jabbas dancing girls, but Fett stipulated that he would remain a freelance bounty hunter on retainer.

Although the work was extremely simple for Fett, he believed that there would be a rescue attempt made on Solo, and he wanted to be there when it happened. After slightly underestimating Leia's disguise as Boussh, Boba Fett's instincts went into overdrive, and he was ready when Luke Skywalker showed up at Jabba's palace.

Unfortunately for Boba Fett, when Luke, Han, and Chewie were about to be thrown into the Sarlacc pit, Fett's rocket backpack was accidentally activated by the then-blind Han Solo. Fett careered into the side of Jabba's sail barge and was knocked unconscious.

Fett was thought to have been killed in the Sarlacc's acid-filled belly, but he managed to set of a series of explosions which destroyed much of the beast and allowed him to escape. He lay dying in the twin suns of Tatooine until he was discovered by fellow Bounty Hunter Dengar and his fiance Manaroo, who recognized him by the tattered armor that still clung to his skinless body.

Dengar also found Neelah who was looking for Boba Fett knowing that he knew who she really was, and took them both to his hideout in the desert.

There, with the help of some of Jabba's medical droids, Dengar nursed Fett back to health on the condition that he and Fett could have a brief partnership in order to eanr Dengar enough credits to retire from Bounty Hunting and settle down with Manaroo.

Once recovered, Boba Fett set out to clear up the situation with Kuat of Kuat and Neelah. They managed to put all the pieces together, with the help of Balancesheet, (the successor to Kud'ar Mu'Bat) and Kuat himself, before Kuat killed himself.

After recovering the heavily-damaged Slave I from the Alliance, (who had seized the stricken ship from Jabba Palace following Fetts apparent death at the Sarlacc Pit), he limped to Nar Shaddaa and commandeered a second ship for his use.

He designated this ship Slave II, and was again commissioned by the Hutts, this time to kill Solo once and for all. He almost succeeded at Nar Shaddaa, but was again thwarted.

When Han Solo and Princess Leia returned to Nar Shaddaa to take Vima-Da-Boda into custody, Boba Fett again nearly captured Solo, but Chewbacca overpowered him, ripping off his helmet and igniting his rocket-pack. Fett careered into the ceiling of the spaceport's lowest levels and was knocked unconscious. It was believed that he sustained near-fatal head injuries, but Fett returned to action shortly afterward.

Fett spent much of his career tracking down his two most elusive targets, Han Solo and Rivo Xarran. Fett caught Rivo on Ladarra, but let him live after having a sudden attack of conciousness when he discovered that Rivo was caring for a group of children.

He later caught Solo too on Jubilar,and the two decided that they had been adversaries too long to kill each other, and they went their separate ways.


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