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2004 / 05 Headlines

Arrow 2 - Click image to download. 1 Dec 04 - Blue Boys have Green Light to Penalty box L 4 - 3
Arrow 2 - Click image to download. 27 Nov 04 - Big Blue Back on track BLUE NO MORE - Blue wins 8 - 5
Arrow 2 - Click image to download. 27 Nov 04 - Plaid pants Patty is slamming the rookies - Click for details
Arrow 2 - Click image to download. 27 Nov 04 - Solid effort by Blue but Red Squeaks out victory     L 7 - 6
Arrow 2 - Click image to download. 27 Nov 04 - It's Deja-vu All Over Again - L 14 - 1
16 Nov 04 - BLUE IS RED ALL OVER - L 9 - 4
Arrow 2 - Click image to download. 11 Nov 04 -BLUE TEAM MEMBERS FAIL MENSA ENTRANCE EXAM - L 2 - 1
Blue Gets Gold-Fingered
 No Cans - No Karma!
The Return of the Game Beer
Blue goes diggin for Gold
Red Waxes Blue
True Blueys put up fine effort
GREEN Grenade goes off on Blue

Blue "CANS" White

Kill Bill Vol I

Welcome New Recruits to Big Blue
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Message #1 from the President 

Big Blue Wins Regular Season for 03 - 04

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Blue Boys have Green Light to Penalty box

Well boys the title says it all. We skated hard, we out played them, but the referees suddenly finding their whistles in the 3rd cost us our first win streak of the year...Yep...halted at one. Even the Black Label couldn't save us. Down 2 - 0 early, and easily out playing the Green Grinches, the boys in Blue never quit. Rob Canning with his 2 no goals (offside) and 1 counter aided in our come back, and Claudies "Laser" as Jim refered to (off 2 defence) put us right back in it. But as the title dictates, it was then a green light to the penalty box. First Claude, then Marc, Adrian, Dennis...and then yep the team bully Murray. The ice ghosts of Blackburn Hamlet also had us pegged. This was noted when first the "Hatch-man" got hung up on the out gate, and then Robbie Canning, the same story. This as Murray (in the penalty box) was yelling at him to get his ass on the ice, and pay attention. Little did he know that Rob's feet were moving but with his jersey caught he was left spinning his wheels. The best note of the game (and Pat to bad you missed this) was Murray after voice-ing his displeasure, forgot that his penalty had ended. When it was brought up to him he was so excited, he left the box in a blazing speed, piroetted a nice 360, and then fell flat on his ass. This slightly added to his already, smoking ears.

Next time we'll be ready.....Murray....just hope the Grinches are!

Blue No More

Finally, at last, about time......Yes that's right fans of the Blue Whiners, we won one yesterday.  After getting down early Blue showed their mettle and worked hard to eek out an 8-5 win over White.  With a full line up and some good pairings it was evident from the get go that Blue had a little more jump than usual and were in the game even after being down 3-1 and 5-3 and points in the game.  No eyes were cast to the floor and everyone came back to back check on every shift resulting in a near shut down of white in the 2nd period.  Marc Bastien was solid on D but was over shadowed by Crazy Legs Pete Aubry who netted a couple and took the bumps to keep the puck in on numerous occasions.  Rob Canning, Norris Milley, Denis Gaurdreault scored as did Pat who capped the game with an open net goal from inside our end
after White pulled the goalie in the last 2 minutes.  The play was set up when Dan Williams cleaned out one of the White defenders forcing the turnover.  The mood in the room took a positive up turn as everyone had a go at some select Saskatchewan ale procured by Murray.  Well done Big Blue!!!

Solid effort by Blue but Red Squeaks out victory Lose 7-6

We're getting closer doubt about it. Blue  came oh so close and from a couple of goals down to put in a solid effort against Red. Having tied the game 6-6 it wasn't until a rush by red, that they scored their final goal with 2 minutes remaining. The game was highlighted by the return of Marc (2 beer) Bastien, and he didn't disappoint, putting in a solid effort on D. Of course we all know that once he gets his legs, he will be moving up. (Your still not old enough Marc). Other highlights was the prowess of Nephie Norris, with a couple of slick passes and solid shots, in his best game of the year. Denis Gaudreault again impressed with his solid forechecking and skating ability to aid in potting 2 goals on one shift. It's all coming together boys, with 12 rookies, of course we started slow. We will be force to be recon with in the second half of the rookies and vets start to put it together. 

See ya on Thurs

It's Deja-vu All Over Again

For a summary of last Friday's go to , change the date to Nov 19 and change the score to 14-1.  Word from the Ottawa Police is that another showing like this and there will be a need to call out the crime lab to determine the cause of the beating.  On the upside, it appears as if we are getting some social assistance as it appears that we are being beat like the proverbial red-headed step child and Children's Aid may step and provide some protection.

For anyone who is interested we have now fooled the other teams into thinking we are bad so it is time to step it up and begin the long climb back.  We have them where we want them!


Okay faithful readers let me get this straight, last week we get hosed by 10 goals, play porous defence and barely break a sweat.  The end result was that the bookies made the Blue team heavy under dogs and the over under was 10 and in typical Blue fashion we confused the bookies and put in a stellar effort and lost 2-1 to Gold after leading 1-0 after 2
periods.  All in all it was a pretty good game punctuated by Rob Canning get us up early on a fabulous no effort (really Billy hardly moved at all) pass from Billy.  Joe was solid in nets and bailed out the defence with great saves and solid clearing plays.  Today also saw the return of Tony White who had his skates sharpened before the game but apparently failed to get the hole in his stick fixed as he whiffed on no less than 5 open nets in the 2nd period.

      Highlights from the bench included Adrian trying to go over the boards and crashing back onto the bench when he realized that the Blackburn Hamlet boards are just a shade too high to go over.  As for the Mensa membership you only had to watch some of the CF's best and brightest try and figure out how to rotate 7 forwards while maintaining 4 defencemen.  By games end they still hadn't figured it out and were still trying to do the math in the locker room.  The 4 D stood solid and refused to reduce to 3 as there was just a little too much skating and judging by the score they were
obviously much smarter than the forwards.

Good game Blue and this should go down as a moral victory after last week


Kurt Cobain immortalized the line "smells like teen spirit" from the album Nevermind and we on the Blue Team are making "smells like Blue Team" just as famous after a 9-4 pounding from Red at the Blackburn Abattoir. 

Things that went well:

(1)  Pete brought the beer
(2)  Murray cut his deficit to minus 3 (down from minus 6 in his not so
triumphant return last week)
(3)  Walter Clarke and Tony White demonstrated how to bat pucks out of the
air (Tony slow pitched to Walt)
(4)  Did I mention, Pete brought the beer

Things that didn't go so well:

(1)  Pete drank the beer before the game
(2)  The infield fly rule accounted for two of the Red team goals with both
pucks bouncing over Pete's head
(3)  Late comers messed up the team karma and three goals were scored while
we tried to do the math to sort out line changes
(4)  The third period

Honourable mentions go out to the scorers for the game: Walter, Jim, Pat and

No game beer was handed out and this is becoming problematic because we will soon have a cooler full of game beers at the rate we are going.  Perhaps it is time to lower the bar a bit and start considering anyone who finishes on
the + side of the ledger as deserving of consideration.

Gold on Friday on the big ice, bring oxygen.


The much anticipated return of the team enforcer, Murray, was finally realized this past Friday and the results were not quite what was expected. Murray's normal steadying influence on the Blue-Liners was noticeably absent as goals were plentiful for Black in an 8-5 (I think it was 5) beating of Blue.  Too many passes, without mustard on them, too many unmanly clearing attempts and generally too much adjusting of the equipment at inopportune times led to too many turnovers and easy chances for Black.  Truth be told Murray was not alone at the Blame-O-Meter, he had plenty of company from those who didn't back check or stayed out 2 minutes too long on their shift. The mood before the game probably sealed our fate when Big Pete announced that he forgot to fill the cooler and that there were only 6 beer to go
around (nobody was willing to share a beer with Billy).  Realizing that the only motivational tool in our arsenal was missing you could almost sense the emotion leaving the room.  Pete - next time you will get even less support
than was provided on Friday -----fill the damn cooler!  Friday also marked the first time that Blue iced a full line up with 9 forwards and 4 defence, reason enough to celebrate if there had of been any beer.  The game beer went to Terry but not because he played exceptionally well but rather because he whined that he didn't get a beer even though it was decided ahead of time that you needed to score to get a beer due to the miniscule supply.


Feeling like it was time for the Blue Team after 40 medical, Gold did the honours and jammed what appeared to be 12 fingers into the deepest darkest recesses of our collective hockey bags and spanked Blue 12-2, the upside was we not only covered the 10.5 spread but our two goals gave us the Over. Days like this provide your loyal scribe with his greatest challenges, what  to write and how do I write it without offending the guilty?  In order to protect the accused who are entitled to a day in kangaroo court there will be no names used in today's summary.  The following players stepped up and contributed in the face of adversity:

1. ?
2. ?
3. ?

The following players didn't make the cut:

_______Insert name here)_________  ((Players who achieved the dubious
"Golden Sombrero", a Minus 3 in one shift should insert their names in

> No Can - No Karma!
> Just two short days after revisiting the "Tall Boy" Karma system there was a gap in the plan and no "Tall Boy" made it to the game.  With nothing to play for there was bound to be a let down and White took advantage to net a 4-3 win over Blue.  As usual the festivities began in the locker room with Terry Collins catching no end of grief for showing up without a face shield and having to pack up and head home.  Terry - just a reminder that the face shield is for our benefit so that we don't have to look at you, it has nothing to do with your safety.  The other Terry, Terry Cull, chose to poke a fair bit of fun at Terry for forgetting his shield but the last laugh belongs to our writer as I expose Terry Cull for being a fraud after exhibiting his own forgetfulness by showing up without a sweater.  Other noticeable things forgotten yesterday included back checking in our own end as White capitalized on two miscues late in the game to come from behind.  Pat displayed his lack of prowess behind the blue line by gamely giving up the puck while having visions of being Bobby Orr.  The game featured numerous breakaways and 2 on 1's that Blue couldn't capitalize on.  All hands should be commended for a solid effort that just came up a little short.

The Return of the Game Beer

In an effort to change the karma Pat went back to Old Milwaukee and brought back the case of bottles and the Game Beer Tall Boy.  Now that there was incentive perhaps our fate would change.  Not a good start with 8 players again and a loaner goalie from Gold, probably looking to get in the work he missed out on Friday.  Playing three back and 5 up the Blue went out and was quickly behind 1-0 on a nice move from one of the new speedy green gophers. Following a frantic 5 minute spurt in the second where we couldn't clear the puck to save our lives the game was knotted up with a low shot from Denis that beat the goalie from 30 feet.  Green climbed to 3-1 on a lucky bounce and some shoddy clearing on our part before Blue again stepped it up with Rob Canning getting a goal as well as Denis to tie it up at 3-3.  Hanging on in our own end in the last minute our effort was compounded by Pat taking a holding penalty with 19 seconds to go but the Boys hung on and earned a well deserved 3-3 tie which was as good as a win after the 9-3 mauling by Green two weeks ago.  A fine effort all around but the game beers (Brought a long an extra) went to Denis Gagnon for filling in the pipes and Claude for excellent work on D.

Blue goes diggin for Gold

Dig dig dig, work work work and what do we get for our trouble.....same old result another L!  A short bench, 5 forwards and 3 defence, meant lots of ice time for anyone looking to work on their VO2Max.  Gold came hard and
showed that they are the team to beat this year.  A fluke deflection in the first and Gold had the lead when Joe lost sight of the puck as it bounced off of Walt's pants.  A scoreless 2nd period and Blue was hanging tough but Gold kept coming and potted another on a magnificent effort by 47 (I believe he should be drug tested) to make it 2-0 late.  A power play goal by Gold put the game out of reach and also provided the highlight of the night as Mike Delorey was tossed for insisting the referee get an assist on the goal due to the horrible call.  Quite the scam to get an early shower and avoid
Billy the shower voyeur.  While circling like a vulture at centre ice Billy scooped up an errant puck and was off to the races and netted the only marker on a frozen Gold goalie who likely didn't get more than 10 shots directed at him.  Again the beer was cold so not all was lost.

Red Waxes Blue

Dateline Tuesday 19 Oct 04 Blackburn Hamlet.  In what hopefully will not become a recurring pattern Red beat up on our boys in Blue 5-2 in a near repeat of our last meeting.  Actually the game was reasonably tight until the 90 second mark when Pete "where are my feet" Bouchard let a soft slider squeak in under his pads.  A sure sign that things were going in the wrong direction was when Pete sat on the bench during the "intermission".  The lesson here is that Pete is not a young lad anymore and really should volunteer to play back to back games.  Highlights on Blue were "Pee Wee"
(sorry new guy I don't yet know your name but if you insist on showing up in your gear you will get stuck with Pee Wee) scoring a nice goal coming up from his D position.  And that pretty much ended the highlight package. Beer was cold in the room so what more could we ask.

True Blueys put up fine effort

Now this was a performance. 6 count 'em 6 True Blues showed up and skated their butts off tonight, tying Black (20 on the bench) twice with a superb effort. Yep we had them 3-3 and 5-5, but succumbed in the final minutes to lose a great loss 7 - 5. We had outstanding "Rookie" performances by Dennis Gaudreault winning almost every draw, Adrian Luczanko " Lucy", " Lutzy", "Lucky"....pick one, and Rob Estey who potted his first of many for the year. All players played all positions and did great. Even Petey Bouchard took a turn in net and did not disappoint. Willy potted 3 and assited on 2, with Terry " am I Billy's shape yet" Cull depositing the final. An all round great performance by Blue and we could have easily won this thing. If your bored or pretending to solve the military's problems at work, and feel the urge to come and join us.....that would be a good thing. Mikey D, hope you enjoyed your suds....til next week have a good one..

Turn outs, Gaudreault, Lucy, Estey, Harquail, Williams, Cull and mighty Pete. 

GREEN Grenade goes off on Blue

Well it was an explosion we (those who showed up) would like to forget. It could be 3 yrs since the depleted blue lost to green but this was a little disheartening. We again had neither the bodies or the legs to keep the green machine from filling our net....losing 9 - 2. Yep, we skated, we plodded but what ever we were doing out there they were skating 3 times as fast. Who scored for us....well who really cares. It was a 7 goal differential that was not fun to be part of. Again Blue came out with less that 10 skaters and it showed. Trying to skate off 10 24s of beer drank during the summer, OR on the FREDRICTON last winter just isn't happening in the early season...especially when with  more of what slows us is available after the game. Any way it was a sad performance all around and enough said on that.

1st Headline of the year....We're back on line

All Right...Al Right to popular demand and Billy, Patty, Claudie....and all you other Blue Team whiners....we're back on line. Better yet.....we have a new message board to stop those countless annoying emails from the Ghost, where ever he is. Check the headlines and message board your name could be in lights.

Welcome New Recruits to Big Blue

Welcome old "old timers" or new "old timers" what ever it may be. You lucky boys have been selected to play with the prestigious Big Blue. Hope you have a great year with us.

Hello to the following "rookies"

Joe Mochilan (goal), Pete "can't stay away from Blueboys" Bouchard (goal), Dennis Gaudreault, Norris Milley, Maurice Lavallee, Rob Estey, Nelson Hatch, and the glorious return of the hardened VET MR. Charlie Olver.

See you boys on the ice!!

Message #1 from the President

* Registration:  For those lacing up the skates, registration was due on 1 Oct.  Team reps need to take a hard approach on this - no pay, no play.  For those who are not currently available due to injury or TD, but want their names left on the roster given their eventual return, deadline for registration is 1 Nov.  Starting 1 Nov, those unpaid players could
very well find themselves removed from the roster, and replaced by someone patiently waiting to play from our waiting list.

 * Jerseys:  I still have at least another 14 jerseys that need to be ordered.  I would like to place an order this week, so please get details (and dollars) to myself or Gerry Dagenais as soon as possible, with a working target date of 7 Oct.

 * Team Captains/Alternates:  We had said on a number of occasions that team captains, and alternates, should have the "C" or "A" on their jersey, and that these players will be the only ones to discuss calls with the on-ice officials (in a tactful and respectful manner, of course). It has been noted that there are still some teams without anyone wearing a "C" or "A".  We agreed on how the refs should handle the calls, so team reps should ensure that their appointed players get their jerseys fixed up. Sufficient C's and A's were passed out last season, but if you need more, let me know.  Also, there are a number of places that you can get them sewn on - the one I dealt with was Claudette's in Blackburn Hamlet, just
 around the corner from the rink.  Her shop is on Old Innes Road, right next to the Blackburn Arms.  She'll charge something like $1 to sew on the letter, and even has the template that I passed out last year.

 * Refreshments:  Remember, new rink staff to deal with - the law is the law.

Finally, go out and have some fun.  Remember, it is only a game.  I understand that we have already had some belly-aching going on with calls made during a practice game last week - un-freaking-believable!!  Perhaps a reminder needs to be made for those "whiners" out there.  You can tell them for me that this is "old-timers" hockey, everyone is 35 years of age or older - there is no chance at a pro contract, no real consequence for winning or losing, no replays on Sports Desk the following day, and the Sun sports editor doesn't care about our league - so kindly stuff a sock
 in it and relax.  Being a highly skilled player is not required in order to make the team in this league, but continuously being a jerk will likely see you removed from it.  It is just a game, and 98% of the players in this league just want to enjoy some good, clean, competitive hockey. 

See you all on the ice, keep your head up and your stick down, and enjoy!

CWO Wayne A.J. Quinn
CFSU(O) Old-Timers Hockey League
Internet e-mail:



Well fellow fleet footed blue whiners here is the first write up of the year. Sorry Dan but I forgot your e-mail address.
With a thin bench and volunteers on D Big Blue laced em up with a bench full of rookies and took on the mighty red team. Well I don't know about you but red appears to have gotten faster or I have slowed down even more than usual. Although a 5-2 loss to open it was our old tricks with little support being provided to "5 hole Joe" back between the pipes. Our newbies filled in nicely but may be wondering what they signed themselves up for. Welcome boys. Highlight of the night was watching Billy try to lean out of the way from a blast from the point. Sadly he leaned back as far as he could and he was still poking out and was puck bitten. No truth to the rumour that Billy was looking for some rookie to rub him down in the shower. Next up white, rumour has it the ghost will be there...hahahaha

Blue "CANS" White

With plenty of space in the locker room and many empty spaces on the bench it was a certainty team Blue would get lots of ice time for all with only 6 forwards, 3 D and "5 hole" in the net.  At the other end of the rink it was standing room only for team White who dressed 18 skaters and a goalie. Using a slow warm up, so as not to burn out, Big Blue elected to play cautious and capitalize on turnovers and use slow line changes and dump the puck and fake injury and... White fell for it we had 'em in our sights.  After opening the game by going up 1-0 things were looking good but everyone was waiting for the roof to cave in.  2-2 after 2 periods and there was still a feeling that White was going to light it up.  Our new backstop kept us in there and slowly Big Blue worked its way to a 5-2 lead after Nelson's empty netter.  A team game all around but special mention goes out to Rob Canning who netted the "hat" and carried the team on his back throughout the game.

Great game boys, the chips were down and we showed White what we are made of.  Hopefully we didn't blow the load for the year!  Happy Thanksgiving.

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