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OK, well I finally got my butt into gear and created my own web page, it might even get finished one day!

So yeah, just check out the links and stuff, hope it all works.....I have no idea what to say here!

Oh, I know.....I'll say 'HI!!!' to everyone! Hi to everyone at cadets: Andrea, Allison, Nellie, Rachael, Ryan, Jimmy, Con, Willzy, Weber, Buchanan, Quentin, everyone else (brain not thinking of names right now!); and everyone at uni: Katie, Bernardo, Mel, Jess, David, Ben, all the OENT peoples; and everyone in civvie street: Anne, ummm.....who else?!

So yeah, check out the rest of my site. You can contact me at

Favourite Places

My Favorite Web Sites

Australian Air Force Cadets
My Pics
This Is Me
