Bleeding Green: Travels in the U.S


Hi all, I dont really know where I am going with this but I have been really bored at work and thought it would be a good idea to set up a page for everyone to come on in and see what we have been up to.

The purpose of this site is primarily to document the journey of a lifetime which we have been planning for years and is only 155 sleeps away.

After studying for effectively seven years I am finally qualified to do a job which, frankly, stinks and therefore the time has come for contemplation and reflection. I want to remember why life is so much fun, forget the dollar signs which have been waved around in front of us and get back to the simple things.

For seven years I have been focused on one goal and now it is time to take back all the hours I spent behind a book instead of in the pub, on the beach, in a forest or in bed. This trip is the brainchild of four people, namely: Myself, Amber, Wesley and Bronwen. Wesley and I work for an accounting firm. One of the programs offered is a secondment to the United States for a 6 month period which earns you a fairly decent lump sum (in Rands of course) at the end of the period. Sitting around in our mingy flat on Goble Road (Durban - South Africa), we agreed that the most sensible way we could spend our money earned whoring ourselves offshore would be to invest it in a well selected portfolio of stocks and bonds.

Instead, we decided to blow the whole bang shoot on a mammoth tour of North America. Three and a half months of camping, hiking, biking, fishing, paddling and chilling in an RV which we would call home for the whole trip. And so the seed was sown. There have been exams and mountains of work, some scary moments when we thought it wouldnt get off the ground and a whole lot of agreements / disagreements but now,we stand on the threshold of our epic trip and the reality of it all is starting to bubble to the surface.

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The Cabinet Ministers
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