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My first proper website!!

I can't believe I have a website! It's really weird and scary! Everyone else has one and I felt left out! I didn't know where to start, but here I am. If you don't know me, congratulations!!! You have escaped my evvviilll glare! :( I'm Belli, I live in... Worcestershire and I have two giant african land snails (and 250 baby eggs). If you do know me, Heya! You all should be proud to see what I've done! Oh ok then.. Its not that good. oh.. and my favourite word is Blub!

Places to go.....

angelfire main web
My friend....
For aol people, my online diary!
A good place for Blink 182 fans!
My other online journal, probably empty!
Go and be loved up!
Page 1 of my photos!
Page 2 of my lack of photos!
My other best mates site!!
cool site

Stuff to do in May
