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The Unofficial Official FMF Website

This is the FMF website! Isnt it cool? I definately think so (of course, I made it)! If you dont know what FMF stands for, good luck on finding out! It is only the coolest, hippest, most magnificent organization for special, chosen teens on the planet (of course I say this b cuz Im the co-president and co-founder)! I hope that all of u non-members leave right now! Lol. JK. Well, no actually I would prefer it if u left. Dont take it personally. o, and if you think u should be a member dont tell us; if u r good enough we will find u! We r very good at finding the right ppl. All of u members out there, feel special to be in it. Our member #s r very low right now b cuz we examine our prospects very thouroughly b4 deciding on one. Also, u had better appreciate this site highly. I went through many physical and mental hardships to make this this 4 u.

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