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B*I*T*C*H Roster

Once again B*I*T*C*H members prove that you don't mess with the best!
B*I*T*C*H Takes 'em to school!

The thing about Rosters..
They arent exactly exciting to read ::chuckles::
We suggest you save this link so that you can refer back to it as needed.

For Enemy Spies
You did a superb job getting in to get a roster , the thing is ,
it is not classified,as we actually dont care who knows who is in the guild .
But we are glad it gave you something to do.

Our Forum Portals
AoRG - Association of Rhydin Guilds

AoRG Hit Chart
0 -14=0 15-19= 1 20-24=2 25-29=3 30-34=4 35-39=5 40=6

Also examine the rules of our other forum...


Your Info is Important to List !
(As you finish reading this be sure you have everything posted correctly in your char profiles It can be condensed if you are really short on space, such as you are a Division Commander 2d36, your division name isnt needed, in fact you need not even include "DC" in it as the 2d36 defines that rank. You could simply shorten it all to BCHd36AoRG-CW. Smooshing it together is fine. Portals are not acceptable references. Lifescrolls ONLY. (Whats needed -Guild AoRG/CW and Dice, regs, enhancers)

Message Board
~The Reign of Women~

Our Pubs
Arts and Entertainment - Vigilante Pub AoRG
Arts and Entertainment - Alaruis Pub AoRG
Alarius is a pub we also share with our brother guild, SoB. It is expected you will treat them as the allies they are. There is a fine line between knowing when to defend and when to stay out of someones matters, use care in that always.

So what are Guild Ring Awards?
«:*A*:» »»{@}««  

New Ring : Bounty Hunters Ring Award  e*z*e

Tis Mandatory to send your DM logs to Wardens of Loreil
This has to do with matches outside of forum sanctioned wars and events
Do Nothing til you get a ruling!
NOTHING determines you have died til that ruling is in, stand your ground!

Getting Around the Guild ...
Guildhouse- BITCH HOUSE
Our Guild Law- Guild Law
Our Portal- ~B*I*T*C*H~
Weapons Site- Guild Weapons
Wedding Site- The B*I*T*C*H Wedding Site

Copy and Paste below this line

Application For Recruitment ((Out of Char Info))

Your Name ( SN ) :
Amount of Time you spend on line per day?
Time Zone?
Mun age (Optional and confidential)
Char Info
What do you usually liked to be called?
Combination of _________________
Still finding your vocation with no specific class___

Important Section:

Do you understand you must read guild mail?

Would you be willing to Wage War?

We do have expectations all combative members fight in our wars regardless of rank. We are a combative guild. Experience not necessary, we are willing to train anyone who wants to learn or practice. It is not at all unusual for a Division Commander to call needed members in war.

Are you willing to attend classes to learn what you need?

Do you know how to proctor a match?

What is your idea of the Rhydin woman?

What do you feel you can contribute to the guild and what needs do you have for your own goals?

****** Who Recruited you?

~Forward Completed Application to ~ Leoperdis, Cyanamerc1, NishaTB, LstKttn

Roster Links

Executive Division
Legion 1
Legion 2
Legion 3
Legion 4