
  1. Fees are to be paid through the bank.
  2. All fees are to be paid strictly in advance. Fees may be paid for the whole year or six months in July & January.
  3. Admission may be refused to the pupils whose fees are not paid by the 20th of the month in which they are due.
  4. Small children should not be entrusted with the payment of fees.
  5. No reduction is made for broken period.
  6. No fees will be accepted after 25th of the month.
  7. Those whose fees have not been paid by the 20th will have to pay a fine of Rs.10/- The names of those whose fees are in arrears for 2 months will be struck off the register.
  8. Pupils will not be allowed to sit for the Half yearly or Final Examinations unless all dues are paid up to date.
  9. Fees for May and June are collected in January and March respectively.
  10. Bus fees are to be paid for the whole year (i.e. 12 months).

