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Anime Thingy

Hi! I'm Adam. I like anime. (Since Ben will be posting soon so will Adam here. He was just waiting that's all. He said he was working on a fan-fic so we might have that up. -Eric, but from now on, called <e>)

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Hi! I'm Ben. I like anime too. (And no, he is not dead or anything. We just haven't gotten together in a while. But he will be posting soon! He is preparing a vast argument. Yeah, he's sorta weird. It'll be comparing how Harry Potter copies Lord of The Rings. Yeah. So you can check it out soon enough

Eric or <e>-
Alright, now. I have reconfigured my section with the drawings and all. Remember the elf princess? Yeah well my attempts CGing it is there. It's not very good. It's basically just shading and color. It's the first time I've tried though. And I only have Paint Shop Pro 7 so it's not as easy as Photo Shop would be. I'll post the final version once complete. Later.

     This is a website. A website about anime( and other stuff!). If you like it, then we hope you stick around. Expect VAST changes in the future, colors, space, names, and lots more drawings! We hope you enjoy it.


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