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Bang! Slammed the heavy wooden door against the white-washed wall. My head snapped around and I sat wide-eyed, staring ridiculously at Trent. In a flash, Trent coolly strode in and placed a crude, sawn-off shot gun barrel at my forehead. "Move it or lose it!" I frantically scrambled off the couch and rolled onto my side. Trent "scouped" up something from the air right in front of me and started yakking to it.

"I'd sense your grotesque presence a mile off. Guess you're losing your touch." Leered Trent.

The air around Trent's fist shimmered, and a nasal voice seemed to shrill out. "I was here months ago. Looks to me like you're the one losing it, buddy". An ear-piercing laugh rang in my ears and chilled my bones to the core.

"Even so, you screwed up. Enough small talk. Give me the last chain now before you breathe your last."


"Fine. Just don't say I'd never asked." With that, Trent aimed his shot gun at the invisible being & pumped three slugs into it's head. Black ooze splattered the walls and smeared the carpet. Suddenly, it started to move, like it has a will of it's own. The metallic liquid merged to form four distinct letters….. "I A H Z"

"I knew it! It all fits together now. Everything makes sense. Skeniahz Witnesses are really the ones behind all this mess." Trent turned to me and said, "Well, it's one long story. Would you care to hear my tale?"

Shocked beyond my senses, I merely jerked my head down a notch. Taking that as a consent, Trent ordered me to grab some really weird stuff like, a batter, honey, vinegar, salt, tinner, beer, butter & some custard. Silently, I lumbered about in a dream-like state.

"Aww.. Come on. Don’t look so stoned, Sure it's a shock, but, hey, I'm sure you can handle it!" With a daft hand, Trent mixed the ingredients together and slopped it onto the black gook. Everything disappeared in a matter of seconds.

"Okay, here goes. What you just saw, the creatures I mean, were Zacreoids. They're aliens, evil SOBs from the star Zancrea. It's a planet like Earth, but in another dimension. These creatures are very goal-orientated. They place their greed for power before everything else. It's a "master or slave" situation where everyone scrambles for power over the others. With such maddening push factors, their weaponry technology soon skyrocketed to unbelievable heights. Such devastating and murderous machines of death. Of course, their planet' resources soon drained out, radiation killed off all living creatures unable to protect itself. They literally suffocated themselves with the mass pollution in the air. They decided that to survive, they must conquer another star. Earth was their main

    target. Over the years, hundreds of these creatures migrated to earth. Last year, the last batch arrived. Their planet had disintegrated, corroded by the acid in the air. These Zacreoids latch themselves onto various homosapiens and started corrupting their brains, bending their wills, gaining power over their actions. These beings started a cult - "Skeniahz Witness". In Zancres, skeniah is armageddon. They themselves witnessed the end of their world. The event so traumatized them that they believed sooner or later, the planet Earth too would die out. Of course, good must triumph over evil. Thus, the ruler of all planets, Venus, the planet of love, endowed special humans with powers and knowledge to seek out these creatures and destroy them. I'm one of these units, dedicated to protect Earth from the Zacreaoids."

I blinked a Trent twice. Man, I thought. Either Trent was totally whacked out by something gotten of Power Rangers or I'm in for something big. Against my better judgement, my heart secretly yearned for the latter.

"So I'm like recruiting more men for the final showdown. You're on my list. Are you up to it?" asked Trent.

"Well, I don't know…… Hey, I don't even know if you are for real!"

"Then check this out!" With a snap of his fingers, I suddenly saw my Star Wars toy figurines start to enact the battle of Endor. "Cool?" gloated Trent.

"Awesome. You know, this is starting to interest me. Apart from the part that you're one totally crazed dude" I joked back.

    ** Written in Sec 4.

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