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Random Quizzes

by MagicalObizuth by MagicalObizuth

You're a kind and gentle person with a dark past that haunts you. But you find happiness in your friends and by protecting the weak and oppressed. Let's face it. You kick ass! ReverseBlade! You are a Paladin!

Take the "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo

They don't call you "The sword drawing man slayer" for nothing! You have some SERIOUS SKILLZ! You're personal life is nonexistant because you are driven to free the oppressed and kill their oppressers, and bring Japan's government to a new system. You smell of blood due to all the people that you have killed. And you're still young! But sins can be atoned for. Give it time. ReverseBlade! Godly Angel
Godly angel, class 1. You are the authority, and
you're really stuck up as well. You want
everyone to listen to you and do what you say.
If they dont, you will smite them. You enjoy
the power you have, but you never leave the
spiritual realm.

What type of angel are you?
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You prize nobility above all else, striving to be reunited with your prince. Apart from this, you treasure your friendships most of all. Unwilling to compromise your values in search of your dreams, you often seem to create more trouble than solve it. However, your persistence is what sets you apart from all others.

Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz

A SILVER Dragon Lies Beneath!

I took the Inner Dragon Online Quiz and found out I am a Silver Dragon on the inside. My Inner Dragon is to dragons what the Ranger is to humans. Like all metallic dragons, Silvers rigidly adhere to an internal code of conduct. Each Silver, however, must develop their code individually, a fact which explains their unique dispositions and actions. Silvers are often considered shadows dwelling on the periphery of dragon culture (much like human Rangers), but they can always be counted upon to speak the truth and help their allies. Because no one but a Silver knows what they'll do next, their alignment is "Chaotic Neutral."

Being a Silver isn't all shady head-games, though. I possess considerable intelligence and self-confidence (whether they manifest themselves or not :P ). Magic isn't really my bag, but I'm awfully good at slipping in and out undetected. Which, by the way, is probably due to my slightly-below-average size. My favorable attributes are dependability, durability, problem-solving, mist, and pewter. Like my human counterpart - the Ranger - I'm a superb weapons user and have an especially good command of my icy breath weapon. I know I might be tough to understand at times, but that's just my way.

What kith are you? Find out here.

find your element at <º>
Goddess of Winter
Goddess of winter, with a cold exterior but deep
down a warm, caring heart.

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla You are Agent Smith-
You are Agent Smith, from "The Matrix."
No one would ever want to run into you in a
dark alley. Cold as steel, tough as a rock,
things are your way or the highway.

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla picture of lemur

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You are Psychic!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla Intellectual
You're An Intellectual! You can always be found reading or on the computer.
People always come to you when they need
information. You don't really care about love
at this point, your only goal is to improve
your mind. After all, knowledge is power!

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla sagittarius
You should be a Sagittarius, your Independent,
honest, optimistic, and good-humored, but you
can be rebellious, irresponsible, and sometimes
a little careless.

~*What is your TRUE Zodica sign?*~(WITH NEW PIC'S!!!)
brought to you by Quizilla Future
You come from the Future. Your soul came from a
different time, far in the future. You're just
a little bit a head of everyone else and you're
constantly wondering what lies ahead.

Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla Cougar
What Is Your Animal Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla Alt_text
Acara. Polite and sometimes rude :)

What baby neopet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla The dreamspeaker!You are Atlanta,the leader of the
Celestial vally herd!You are nice and top
unicorn in the herd!

Who are you in Unicorns of Balinor?
brought to you by Quizilla Orlando on car
Congrats!Your ideal male movie celeb mate is
Orlando Bloom!You like those elvish guyz who
are gentle and absolutely beautiful!

which is your ideal male movie celeb mate?
brought to you by Quizilla hogwarts180
Your in Hogwarts!

Which Wizarding School Do You Go To?
brought to you by Quizilla venus

**which sailor moon character are you most like??**
brought to you by Quizilla Congratulations! You are PAIGE.
You are PAIGE. An unconventional spirit who needs
to be independant, but loves attention too!

*+*+* wHiCh ChArMeD cHaRaCtEr ArE yOu? *+*+*
brought to you by Quizilla jedi
congratulations. you have the deepest commitment,
the most serious mind. confer on you, the level
of a JEDI KNIGHT the council does.

sith or jedi? (star wars...)
brought to you by Quizilla green
You weild a green lightsaber.

Star Wars: What colour lightsaber should you weild?
brought to you by Quizilla Your match is Anakin!
Anakin Skywalker(Ep.2)
Good news- The steamy
hot, pod-racing future jedi would make a great
date for you.
Bad news- You will have to
fight Padme for him.

What Star Wars character would you date?
brought to you by Quizilla blue lightdaber
You have earned the Blue Lightsaber. You are
skilled in the ways of the Jedi, and the force
is strong with you. You have a mind of your
own, and sometimes do things your own way, but
always for the good. You are looked up to, by
the young and are strongly respected for your

Which Star Wars Lightsaber Should You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla 100% Anakin
Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) He may not be the most talented actor, but he sure
is hot and just right for you! Well, at least
his character is, anyway. He is devilish and
determined and is willing to die for loved
ones. Very destructive.

Who's YOUR Star Wars Hottie?
brought to you by Quizilla wicket.jpg
You are...WICKET W. WARRICK! The cuddliest of all
the Ewoks! Go you!

What minor Star Wars character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla asecura
You are Aayla Secura! Jedi Master who survived the
battle at Geonosis. Once the Padawan of
Quinlan Vos.

Which Lesser known Star Wars (Ep. II) Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla youre harry/hermione!
Harry/Hermione - you like to think for yourself.
youre probably pretty mature for your age, and
creative. youre a nice person to be around.
youre probably popular, and kind of follow the
fads, but you put your own spin on things.

*What Harry Potter Ship Should You Be?*
brought to you by Quizilla dan is doomed
Dan Radcliffe/Harry Potter! Nice choice. You got
the main star or Harry Potter. Who also happens
to have the cutest eyes! *swoon*

---Which Harry Potter Actor are You Doomed to be With?---
brought to you by Quizilla Smart Loyal Reserved Sailor Mercury
Wow, you are most like Sailor Mercury! I bet your are pretty smart, and people know it!
Your intelligence and compassion for others are
some of your best qualities, too bad you are a
bit of a loner so some people don't get to see
these great qualities. You area bit quiet but
will be there in times of need, good for you!

*~Which Sailor Scout are you most like? (New Pictures)~*
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x8715e10)
You are Muad'dib (Paul Atreides) You are a brave man who was worshiped as a god and
emperor, but in the end realized that you were
human and your sister, Alia betrayed
you. Your name lived on forever on the sands
of Arrakis.

Which Children of Dune character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla You're Chani!
Which Children of Dune Character Are You? (miniseries version)

brought to you by Quizilla What kind of Plushie are you?
What kind of Neopets Plushie are you?

brought to you by Quizilla faerie queen
hello "your royal highness",you're the
queen faerie!

What neopets faerie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla trinity
You belong in Zion. You are a super Matrix fan,
maybe even a little obsessed. You want to save
the world from all destruction, go you!

Do you belong in Zion or the Matrix?
brought to you by Quizilla neo
Welcome Neo! You're the ONE, the anomaly, the hope
for the future! So you have no clue why you're
special or what the heck you are even suppose
to be doing- you've got a good heart and an
innate mission to save humanity. Good luck with

Which Matrix Reloaded Character Would You Download As?
brought to you by Quizilla LOTR Hobbits
Diffenitly Lord of the Rings, obviously the best
story, so deep! And i mean, Look at thoes
hobbits...who couldn't like that?!?

X-Men, LOTR, or The Matrix?! ****PICS!!****
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x876dd04)

Which Teenage X-men do you resemble?
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