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Kitties Taste Like People

Sunday, 4 January 2004

well, haqven't been in here in a while, wow. so, any way. have a new one so i won't write in here cause the other thing is better, greatest journals .com

Posted by theforce/aintitfunny at 1:55 AM
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Wednesday, 17 December 2003

well i have a new journal, yippie, i will be writing in it more than this one because i can down load pictures and all that funn stuff!!!

Posted by theforce/aintitfunny at 12:11 AM
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Saturday, 13 December 2003

down load the song from the previous entry, i love that song it is soooooo cooooooolllllllllllllll
yeah, that was a tad long... heh. i am so not in the mood for any thing. YIPPIE FREKIN YEH!!!!

Posted by theforce/aintitfunny at 10:55 PM
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Smashing Pumkins
"The Imploding Voice"

Everywhere you are
Is everywhere you've been
Just lost to the beat
Punching thru your skin
You don't know what to do
But still you wanna crawl
All thru the broken glass
That's eveywhere you are
Your love must always be true
Your love must always be you
Everywhere you are
Anywhere you go
Even if you're starved
It matters what you do
But even if you've gone too far
You can follow you
Everywhere you are
And in your mind
You were alone
All this time
With everything you were
And every smile you wore
Still locked in your heart
Everywhere you are
Everywhere you are
Every single chard
Everywhere you are
You're never too far
Cause anywhere you'd go
Even to the stars
All you have to do
Is play the part of who you are
The rest is up to you
Phase unwound
By yourself
Atom bomb
On the shelf unsung
Pause of light
Pulse of life
New face dawns
Everywhere you are
And everywhere you go
Even if you're down
Even if you're low
It's in the thought of you
It's in the eyes of all
Astride a storied past
That's everywhere you are
Your love must always be true
Your love must always be you
Everywhere you are
Anywhere you go
Even if you're scarred
It's all a part of you
But ever should you put it down
You can never lose me
Everywhere you are

Posted by theforce/aintitfunny at 10:54 PM
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Friday, 12 December 2003

i hate popups!!!!
pop ups suck they thwart me at every turn!! EVERY TIRN!!! i spel bad. so very bad. the shower i deam didn't go over well 1. because my mom had me doing her dirty work all day, 2 i didn't take a shower till 12 15 ish, the next mrning, ah the wonders of unexpected midnight showerings in your parents bathr room. see, there is this thing where my mom has a bath room attached toy her room, and my bath room has no shower right now because it is all pulled apart for remodeling that my ass dad will never do. any way, unexpected showers freack them out cause all of a sudden it is 3 am and i am taking a shower, and they politly wait for mr to come out beofre they ask if i had snuck out the window. i politly remind them it is bolted shut.(it used to be a little bit open all the time and that costs money, so we bolted it) i can fit easily out my own window, but a sister sleeps beneith, damn.

Posted by theforce/aintitfunny at 1:15 PM
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Tuesday, 9 December 2003

blubbie blubbie blue blue blue. dag nabbit. i am so bored and it is only 8 30 in the freakin morning, i TAKE SHOWERS TO PASS THE TIME!!!!!!!! SHOWERS!!! well, at least i am realy really clean, but i've begun to shave off layers of skin... mabey i just should stop shaving my legs once every 12 hours. i should see how many times i can take a shower today before my mom wigs out and asks if i have joined a new cult. a clean cult. clean!!!!!!! CULT!!! i am so starting on, mabry after the 5th or 6th shower, heh. this should be interesting, 7 or 8 showers a day... shower shower shower, and all that soapy least i won't be on the internet all day. shit i just remembered i have to do the dishes to day. dangit. i am still sick and i sound horrible!!!! i sound like some kind of stuck pig that got causght on a fence post while jumping over it. an alto pig, so my voice is all deep and phlemmy.when i breath i can feel the air sqweezing past the snot clogging my throught!!! yeah!!!

Posted by theforce/aintitfunny at 11:31 AM
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Monday, 8 December 2003

hiya. i am not signed in and i can still post, and it is as iff i was signed in this is bad.

Posted by theforce/aintitfunny at 11:57 AM
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F U!!!!
iam running off of less than 3 houers of sleep. my alarm clock acctualy woke me upthis morning. i thought i was dead till i rolled off the bed and fell on many pointy objects. oh, and half a bowl of captain cruch, wich will soon be gone. odd i normally don't stay up after seminary, or take a shower so early in the morning, it is 72 degrees, and i am in boxers and some flimsy old shirt. i normaly don't each captain cruch either. i deid my hair black, my nails are black and i am wearing a chaos shirt, needless to say my dad refuses to let me leave the house today because of the shirt. just the shirt. and it is because there was a small hole in it, mt mom threw away MY FREAKIN FAVORITEST SHIRT IN THE ENTIRE GOSH DAMNED WORLD!!!!!!!!! SHE THREW OUT MY ZERO SHIRT!!!!!! damn her to hell. i loved that shirt, it had so many good memories. like the last time whitney, victor, and brock and, of course, myself, may ever be together was bleached from jacoozie water, and there was a hole in the shoulder, i got that at nova from the fence that cris tore apart. i miss that shirt and all it represents so much. that shirt was like a little peice of me, and my mother, carelessly threw it away before i could stich it up. bitch, i can't believe she did that. i miss brock so much. i love him more than the gotdanged shirt. but he is still here, and i can't see him, and thats even worse that being gone for good.i miss him so much. i feel like crap now. i was in a good mood at the begining of this blog, look, if you pay carefull attention, you can tell the second i decide i will hate today. (hint:and it is because there was a small hole in it, mt mom threw away MY FREAKIN FAVORITEST SHIRT IN THE ENTIRE GOSH DAMNED WORLD!!!!!!!!! just a little hint)

Posted by theforce/aintitfunny at 11:48 AM
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Friday, 5 December 2003

moms low.
my mom says that little kids whos mom don't pick them up from the bus stop in the after noon become the leaders of comunist countrys. i think that her blood sugar is low, but it it still funny

Posted by theforce/aintitfunny at 7:08 PM
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Wednesday, 3 December 2003

i am running away from home right now!!!! right now!! but its ok, i'll be back by 12.

Posted by theforce/aintitfunny at 1:51 PM
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