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'THE INCIDENT'- A Tragic Beginning

'In The Beginning it was all fine, even happy, the sun would rise and set just like in anyone else's life, not incredibly different, just normal... Daniel led a normal life. He was 20 years old, five days until the big 21, the final birthday that would define him as a true man. At last he was finally doing something with his life after his parents continually had told him how much a failure he would become at 19 and a nobody. He got a solid job just three days before, working for a clothing store that speacialized in gothic wear. Collar's with spikes, mostly black, unusual belts, those kinds of things... Life wasn't so bad, until 'the incident'... he never said exactly what 'the incident' was but always refered to it by that name. 21 turned into 'no one cares' and on his birthday, he vowed to renew his faith in Jesus, buying crosses left and right or where ever he could find them, 43 bibles with receipts as bookmark's, all bookmark's at a different spot, and all the bibles worn down from too much reading. He came up with his own theories of the world, and decided life was punishment, and how you accepted or didnt accept it was how your fate would be ultimately determined... One year later he lived alone, lost his steady job, parents disconnected him from the family, birthday number 22, he goes out of the house for the first time since 'it' had happened, now thinner than ever, but with a more muscley build, going with the belief that your body is your temple, and he would be punished for not taking care of it. He kneeled down infront of the main image of Jesus, in what was obviously a huge catholic church, almost like a cathedral. He began to pray and ask for answers to 'the incident' happening, a man wearing a black trench coat would overhear, and change Daniel's life from then on... Another year passes, the trench coat wearing man convinces him to take up a fighting profession, to 'punish' those who's beliefs differed form their own, they became a fierce duo, but were rejected from a minor league fed of the WWE when a sharpened metal cross was used to carve the word 'repent' on his opponent's forhead, who lied in crusifiction position, when giving an excuse the pair claimed God told them to do so and crusify the man for his sins... six months later, now 23 and 6 months, they sign a joint FWF contract, and the mayhem begins once again for all of the sinners and non-believers.'

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